Title: "Files Renamer"
	Date: 15-05-2016
	Version: 0.8.15
	File: %files-renamer.r
	Author: "Marco Antoniazzi"
	Copyright: "(C) 2011-2016 Marco Antoniazzi. All Rights reserved"
	Purpose: "Rename files"
	eMail: [luce80 AT libero DOT it]
	History: [
		0.5.0 [28-05-2011 "First version"]
		0.5.1 [02-06-2011 "Minor bug fixes"]
		0.5.2 [03-06-2011 "Bug fixes"]
		0.5.3 [04-06-2011 "Bug fixes"]
		0.5.4 [04-06-2011 "Bug fixes, use selection list also as file browser"]
		0.5.5 [05-06-2011 "Bug fixes, handle links (on Win), hide unreadable files"]
		0.6.1 [08-06-2011 "Horizontal scrollers, change case, minor bug fixes"]
		0.6.2 [10-06-2011 "Scrollers instead of sliders, minor bug fixes"]
		0.7.1 [12-06-2011 "Invert filter, select to tail, check empties and duplicates"]
		0.8.1 [14-06-2011 "Undo, Num. of modified"]
		0.8.2 [18-06-2011 "multi-select with mouse overing and shift, select invert, bug fixes"]
		0.8.3 [24-06-2011 "Bug fixes"]
		0.8.5 [15-07-2011 "insert file's date, minor bug fixes"]
		0.8.6 [26-07-2011 "Minor bug fixes"]
		0.8.7 [09-09-2011 "Added insert after autonum."]
		0.8.8 [16-12-2011 "Minor bug fix"]
		0.8.9 [01-05-2012 "Added resizing, minor bug fix"]
		0.8.10 [23-09-2012 "Fix update scroller on resizing"]
		0.8.11 [20-10-2013 "Fixed multi selecting empty lines"]
		0.8.12 [24-10-2013 "Adapted to Rebol 3 (with vid1r3.r3)"]
		0.8.13 [08-11-2013 "Improved btn-undo look on R3, fixed find-any-match"]
		0.8.14 [08-02-2015 "Fixed win links for R3 replacing find-any-match with find-any"]
		0.8.15 [15-05-2016 "Fixed deselecting single line with "]
	comment: {.GUI Automatically generated by VID_build. Author: Marco Antoniazzi}
	Help: {
		1.1) unselect "Show folders" to hide folders
		1.2) select "Show all" to show unreadable files
		1.3) press "<<", "<" or "^^" to select the folder containing the files to be renamed
		1.4) insert a text with wildcards in "Filter" field to show only some files
			eg. "*.jpg" to show jpegs, "a*" to show files starting with "a", "*" to show all
			choose "Invert" to show the files not filtered
		1.5) press "Select all" to select all currently shown files
		1.6) double click on a folder (or link) name to browse it
		1.7) click on a file name to select it, press also  or  or move mouse to multi-select

		2) to change the name of selected files use the panel on the right.
			Renaming is done with the use of an "imaginary" cursor that is controlled
			by the various gadgets.
		2.1) use "Trim" to remove some characters
		2.2) use "goto", "find" and "skip" to move the cursor (possibly from the tail of the name)
		2.3) use "select to" and "select" to select some characters
			beware the selection always goes from left to right.
		2.4) choose to "cut" or "copy" the selection.
			If you see some characters disappear you know you are "cutting"
		2.5) use "goto", "find" and "skip" to move the cursor (possibly from the tail of the name)
		2.6) select "Paste" to insert selected text into current position
		2.7) use "Insert" to insert additional text into current position
		2.8) select "Insert file's date" to insert the last modified date of the file in one of the
			two formats into current position
		2.9) select "Insert number" to insert auto-numbering into current position
			You can decide the starting number, the increment and a padding text
		2.10) select "Change case to" and choose type to change characters case. 
		2.11) press "Reset to defaults" to put all values to their initial state.
		2.12) select "Include extension" to rename also the files suffices
		3) press "Execute renaming of selected files" to rename files.
		4) press "Undo last renaming operation" to restore previous file names
			warning: you can undo ONLY ONE operation
	Todo: {
		- various types of initial sorting
		- "multi-pass" renaming
		- find files (and then rename found ones)
		- auto "simple" renaming styles (a-la W7 and others or saved)
		- save last settings
		- multiple filters
	Category: [util vid files]
	library: [
		level: 'intermediate
		platform: 'all
		type: 'tool
		domain: [gui files]
		tested-under: [View Saphir-View]
		support: none
		license: 'GPL2
		see-also: none
;**** set correct path to vid1r3.r3 and sdk sources (or use empty string to use default path to sdk) ****
if system/version > 2.7.9 [do/args %../../r3/local/vid1r3.r3 %../../sdk-2706031/rebol-sdk-276/source]

; files
	suffix?: func [
		{Return the suffix (ext) of a filename or url, else tail of it.} 
		path [any-string!]
	    either all [
	        suff: find/last path #"." 
	        not find suff #"/"
	    ] [suff] [tail path]

	dir?: func [file [file!]] [#"/" = last file]

	is-link?: func [file [file!] /local str] [ ; WARNING: THIS IS A DIRTY HACK!
		if all [
			equal? suffix? file %.lnk
			System/version/4 = 3 ;Win
			attempt [str: read file]
			equal? head str find str #{4C000000} 
		] [str]
	parent-dir: func [file [file!]] [
		if equal? length? file 1 [return %/]
		file: head remove back tail dirize file
		head remove/part find/tail/last file %/ tail file

	push-path: func [file [file!]] [paths-list: back insert tail paths-list file]
	find-any: func [
		"Finds a value in a string using wildcards and returns the string at the start of it."
		series [series!] value [string!] /match /last
		/local last* str give_head emit pos pos2 non-wild-chars plain-chars tmp rule
		last*: get load "last"
		give_head: none
		str: copy to string! series
		value: copy value
		if empty? value [return none]
		; normalize pattern
		while [find value "**"] [replace/all value "**" "*"]
		while [find value "*?"] [replace/all value "*?" "*"]
		if value = "*" [return series]
		if last [
			reverse value
			reverse str
		if #"*" = first value [
			remove value
			if not any [last match] [give_head: series]
			match: none

		emit: func [arg][append rule arg]

		non-wild-chars: complement charset "*?"
		plain-chars: [copy tmp some non-wild-chars (emit copy tmp)]

		rule: copy []
		parse/all value [
			some [plain-chars | "*" (emit 'thru) | "?" (emit 'skip)]
		; If the last thing in our pattern is thru, it won't work so we
		; remove the trailing thru.
		if 'thru = last* rule [remove back tail rule]
		value: compose/deep [any [(all [none? match 'to]) (first rule) pos: (rule) pos2: to end | thru (first rule)] ]
		if none? parse/all str value [return none]
		if last [pos: skip series (length? series) - (index? pos2) + 1]
		any [give_head pos]

	filter_and_sort: func [list [block!] /local temp-list temp-dir-list temp-files-list] [
		temp-list: copy list
		if not get-face check-show-all [remove-each item temp-list [error? try [read/part path-name/:item 4]]]
		remove-each item temp-list [equal? found? find-any/match item get-face field-filter get-face check-filter]

		temp-dir-list: copy temp-list
		remove-each item temp-dir-list [not dir? item]
		sort temp-dir-list

		temp-files-list: copy temp-list
		remove-each item temp-files-list [dir? item]
		sort temp-files-list

		clear temp-list
		if get-face check-show-folders [insert temp-files-list temp-dir-list]

	rename_selected: func [/local done item old-file new-file] [
		if empty? old-list/picked [exit]
		if not confirm "Are you sure?" [exit]
		done: true
		new-file-list: head new-file-list
		forall new-file-list [
			if spc <> item: first new-file-list [
				old-file: pick old-file-list index? new-file-list
				if not-equal? undo-file old-file [ ; avoid renaming undo.file !
					old-file: join path-name old-file
					new-file: item
					if error? try [rename old-file new-file] [done: false]

		undo-list: copy modified-list
		unghost btn-undo

		replace_file-list path-name
		alert either done ["DONE"] ["An error occured. NOT ALL FILES RENAMED"]

	undo: func [/local done undo-path old-file new-file] [
		if empty? undo-list [if error? try [undo-list: load undo-file] [alert "Unable to load undo file. UNDO IS NOT POSSIBLE!" exit]]
		undo-path: take undo-list
		done: true
		forskip undo-list 2 [
			old-file: join undo-path second undo-list
			new-file: first undo-list
			if error? try [rename old-file new-file] [done: false]

		clear undo-list
		attempt [save undo-file []]
		ghost btn-undo

		replace_file-list undo-path
		alert either done ["DONE"] ["An error occured. NOT ALL FILES RENAMED"]
; update lists
	update_info: func [/local info empties duplicates modified temp-list] [
		set-face info-nums rejoin [length? old-list/data " files shown , " length? old-list/picked " files selected"]

		empties: 0 foreach item new-file-list [if item = suffix? item [empties: empties + 1]]
		clear modified-list
		temp-list: copy old-file-list
		new-file-list: head new-file-list
		forall new-file-list [
			item: first new-file-list 
			if all [not-equal? item spc not-equal? item %""] [
				if all [not find modified-list item not find temp-list item] [insert modified-list reduce [first temp-list item]]
				change temp-list item
			temp-list: next temp-list
		temp-list: head temp-list
		duplicates: (length? old-list/data) - length? unique temp-list
		modified: duplicates + ((length? modified-list) / 2)
		insert modified-list path-name

		info-errs/color: either (empties + duplicates) > 0 [red + 80] [green + 80]
		set-face info-errs rejoin [modified " modified , " empties " empties , " duplicates " duplicates"]

	update_text-list: func [list [object!] file-list [block!]] [
		clear list/data
		clear list/picked
		; update and redraw file names text-list
		append list/data file-list
		show list/update

	scroller-redrag: func [scroller [object!] list [object!] file-list [block!] /local temp-list max-line-length] [
		temp-list: copy file-list
		forall temp-list [temp-list/1: join to-local-file temp-list/1 newline]
		size-text-face/text: form temp-list
		max-line-length: first size-text size-text-face
		scroller/redrag list/size/x - 30 / max 1 max-line-length
		show scroller

	update_old-file-list: func [] [
		old-file-list: filter_and_sort orig-file-list

		update_text-list old-list old-file-list

		max-line-length-old: scroller-redrag scroller-old-list old-list old-file-list

	update_new-file-list: func [] [
		clear new-file-list
		new-file-list: array/initial length? old-file-list spc
		foreach item old-list/picked [
			if item [change at new-file-list index? find old-file-list item copy item]


		update_text-list new-list new-file-list

		max-line-length-new: scroller-redrag scroller-new-list new-list new-file-list


	update_lists: func [/reset] [
		if /reset [ ; reset starting lines and scroller of lists
			old-list/sn: new-list/sn: old-list/sld/data: new-list/sld/data: scroller-old-list/data: scroller-new-list/data: 0
			do-face scroller-old-list 0
			do-face scroller-new-list 0

	replace_file-list: func [dir-name [file! none!] /local fl] [
		if all [
			System/version >
			System/version/4 = 3 ;Win
			dir-name = %/
			dir-name: join %/ [second what-dir %/]
		if error? try [read dir-name] [return false]
		path-name: dir-name
		clear orig-file-list
		if all [object? main-win not get-face check-show-all] [fl: flash/with "reading directory..." main-win]
		orig-file-list: read dir-name
		if fl [unview/only fl]
		set-face info-path to-local-file dir-name
; select
	select_all: func [] [
		if empty? old-list/data [exit]
		clear old-list/picked
		old-list/picked: copy old-list/data
		show old-list
	select_invert: func [] [
		if empty? old-list/data [exit]
		foreach item old-list/data [alter old-list/picked item]
		show old-list
do_rename: func [/local item extensions file-date padded autonum step padding cond1 cond2 pos str select-end copied] [
	if empty? new-file-list [exit]
	extensions: copy []
	if not get-face check-ext [
		foreach item new-file-list [append extensions take/part suffix? item tail item]
	file-date: func [the-file [file!] date-format [string!] sep [string!] /local modified-date ext] [
		ext: either get-face check-ext [%""] [pick extensions index? find head new-file-list the-file]
		if modified-date: modified? rejoin [path-name the-file ext] [
			return switch date-format [
				"dd mm yyyy" [rejoin [padded modified-date/day "00" sep padded modified-date/month "00" sep modified-date/year]]
				"yyyy mm dd" [rejoin [modified-date/year sep padded modified-date/month "00" sep padded modified-date/day "00"]]
	autonum: to-integer get-face field-start
	step: to-integer get-face field-step
	padded: func [numb paddin] [reverse head change reverse paddin reverse form numb]
	padding: copy get-face field-pad
	forall new-file-list [
		cond1: true
		cond2: true
		pos: 1
		if spc <> item: copy first new-file-list [
			if "" <> str: get-face field-trim [item: trim/with item str]

			cond1: cond1 and ((1 + length? item) >= pos: to-integer get-face text-goto1)
			either get-face check-last1 [item: skip tail item negate pos] [item: at head item pos]

			pos: 1
			if "" <> str: get-face field-find1 [
				cond1: cond1 and found? found: either get-face check-rev1 [find/reverse item str] [find item str]
				item: any [found head item]
				pos: either found [index? found] [0]

			select-end: item
			if pos > 0 [
				cond1: cond1 and ((1 + length? item) >= pos: to-integer get-face text-skip1)
				item: skip item pos

				select-end: item
				if "" <> str: get-face field-select [
					cond2: cond2 and found? found: either get-face check-select [find/tail item str] [find item str]
					select-end: any [found item]

			if cond2 [select-end: skip select-end to-integer get-face text-select]
			copied: copy/part item select-end
			if get-face radio-cut [remove/part item select-end]

			cond1: cond1 and ((1 + length? item) >= pos: to-integer get-face text-goto2)
			either get-face check-last2 [item: skip tail item 1 + negate pos] [item: at head item pos]

			if "" <> str: get-face field-find2 [
				cond1: cond1 and found? found: either get-face check-rev2 [find/reverse item str] [find item str]
				item: any [found head item]

			cond1: cond1 and ((1 + length? item) >= pos: to-integer get-face text-skip2)
			item: skip item pos

			if get-face check-paste [item: insert item copied]

			if cond1 [item: insert item get-face field-insert]

			if get-face check-date [item: insert item file-date first new-file-list either get-face radio-date-dd ["dd mm yyyy"] ["yyyy mm dd" ] "-"]

			if get-face check-autonum [
				item: insert item padded autonum padding
				autonum: autonum + step

			if cond1 [item: insert item get-face field-insert2]
			if get-face check-case [
				item: head item
				lowercase item
				if get-face radio-case-first [uppercase/part item 1]
				if get-face radio-case-up [uppercase item]

			change new-file-list head item


	if not get-face check-ext [
		foreach item new-file-list [append item first extensions extensions: next extensions]

reset_all: func [/local vals] [
	vals: reduce [
		check-ext no
		field-trim ""
		text-goto1 "1"
		scroller-goto1 0
		check-last1 no
		field-find1 ""
		check-rev1 no
		text-skip1 "0"
		scroller-skip1 0
		field-select ""
		check-select no
		text-select "0"
		scroller-select 0
		radio-cut on
		radio-copy no
		text-goto2 "1"
		scroller-goto2 0
		check-last2 no
		field-find2 ""
		check-rev2 no
		text-skip2 "0"
		scroller-skip2 0
		check-paste no
		field-insert ""
		check-date no
		radio-date-dd on
		radio-date-yy no
		check-autonum no
		field-start "1"
		field-step "1"
		field-pad "0000"
		field-insert2 ""
		check-case no
		radio-case-low on
		radio-case-up no
		radio-case-first no
	forskip vals 2 [set-face first vals second vals]
; gui
	ghost: func [face] [box-ghost/offset: face/offset + panel-lists/offset box-ghost/size: face/size show box-ghost btn-undo/font/color: 128.128.128 btn-undo/font/colors: [128.128.128 10.10.10] show btn-undo]
	unghost: func [face] [box-ghost/size: -1x-1 show box-ghost btn-undo/font/color: 0.0.0 btn-undo/font/colors: [0.0.0 10.10.10] show btn-undo]

	main-win: layout [
		do [sp: 4x4] origin sp space sp
		style text text feel none
		style text-list text-list font-name font-fixed para [wrap?: false]
		style info info edge [size: 1x1]
		btn "<<" [replace_file-list %/ push-path %/]
		btn " < " [if (length? head paths-list) > 1 [replace_file-list pick paths-list: back remove paths-list 1]]
		btn " ^^ " [
			if not none? path-name [
				replace_file-list parent-dir path-name
				push-path path-name
		text "Path:"
		info-path: info bold "" 370
		pad 316
		btn-?: btn "?" sky keycode [f1] [
			ssh: System/script/header
			if not value? 'help-win [; avoid opening win more then once
				help-win: view/new layout [ below space sp
					text 580 bold center ssh/Title
					text 580 center rejoin ["Version: " ssh/Version " , " ssh/Date ". Copyright: " ssh/Copyright]
					text 580 bold center "USE AT YOUR OWN RISK"
					info-help: info 580x300 as-is trim/auto ssh/Help wrap edge [size: 1x1]
					pad -20
					slider info-help/size/y * 0x1 + 16x0 with [append init [redrag 250 / 300]] [scroll-para info-help face]
					key (escape) (0x0 - sp) [unview unset 'help-win]
		check-show-folders: check-line "Show folders" on [update_lists]
		check-show-all: check-line "Show all" [
			if get-face face [
				if not confirm "Showing hidden files makes reading folders faster but anyway you will not be able to rename them. Really show them?" [set-face face off]
		text "Filter:"
		field-filter: field "*" 80 [update_lists]
		check-filter: check-line "Invert" no [update_lists]
		btn "Select All" [select_all]
		btn "Invert selection" [select_invert]
		panel-lists: panel [
			across origin 0 space sp
			text-curr: text bold "Current file name" 240 center
			text-new: text bold "New file name" 250 center
			old-list: text-list 260x338 [update_info update_new-file-list scroller-new-list/data: 0 do-face scroller-new-list 0] with [
				append init [
					iter/feel: make iter/feel [
						redraw-super: :redraw
						redraw: func [f a i /local fil] [
							redraw-super f a i
							fil: to-file iter/text
							iter/font/color: case [
								equal? #"/" pick tail fil -1 [blue]
								is-link? path-name/:fil [navy]
								true [black]
						combine: func [block [block!] value] [if not find block value [append block value]]
						picked-num-s: picked-num: old-overed: 0
						engage-super: :engage
						engage: func [face action event /local path str overed] [
							engage-super face action event
							if event/double-click [
								if empty? path: get-face old-list [exit]
								path: last path
								if dir? path [
									if replace_file-list path-name/:path [push-path path-name]
								if str: is-link? path-name/:path [ ; WARNING: THIS IS A DIRTY HACK!
									str: find-any/last str "?:" ; find a: b: c: etc. drive letters
									if system/version > [str: to-string skip str -20]
									str: back str
									str: trim/with/all mold copy/part str find str {^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@} "{^^@^"}" ; trim 0s
									if replace_file-list dirize to-rebol-file str [push-path path-name]
							if action = 'down [
								if all [event/control empty? picked] [exit]
								overed: index? find data last picked
								either event/shift [picked-num-s: overed] [picked-num: overed] 
								if all [event/shift greater? picked-num 0 greater? picked-num-s 0 not-equal? picked-num picked-num-s] [
									for n picked-num picked-num-s sign? (picked-num-s - picked-num) [
										combine picked pick data n
								do-face slf none
							if action = 'away [
								if not event/shift [
									overed: round/floor event/offset/y / face/size/y
									if old-overed <> overed [
										old-overed: overed
										overed: picked-num + overed
										if all [overed > sn (overed - sn) <= lc] [combine picked pick data overed]
										do-face slf none
			indent -16 - 4 ; hide scroller
			new-list: text-list old-list/size with [
				update: func [/local tot-rows visible-rows] [
					tot-rows: length? data visible-rows: lc
					sld/redrag visible-rows / max 1 tot-rows
					either visible-rows >= tot-rows [
						sld/step: 0.0
						sld/step: 1 / (tot-rows - visible-rows)
				append init [
					iter/feel/engage: none ; disable selection
					sld/action: func [face value] [ ;patched
						if sn = value: max 0 to-integer value * ((length? slf/data) - lc) [exit] ; I always hated that "1 +" !
						old-list/sn: sn: value ; keep lists syncronized
						show [old-list sub-area]
			pad 0x-4
			scroller-old-list: scroller old-list/size * 1x0 + -16x16 [old-list/iter/para/scroll: -1x0 * abs round old-list/size/x - 30 - max-line-length-old * value show old-list]
			pad -4
			scroller-new-list: scroller new-list/size * 1x0 + -16x16 [new-list/iter/para/scroll: -1x0 * abs round new-list/size/x - 30 - max-line-length-new * value show new-list]
			info-nums: info "0 files shown , 0 files selected" old-list/size * 1x0 + -16x20 feel none
			pad -4
			info-errs: info "0 modified , 0 empties , 0 duplicates" new-list/size * 1x0 + 0x20 feel none
			btn-exe: btn "Execute renaming of selected files" to-integer old-list/size/x - 16 - 2 yellow [rename_selected]
			btn-undo: btn "Undo last renaming operation" to-integer new-list/size/x - 2 font [] [undo]
		do [btn-undo/parent-face: panel-lists]
		panel-commands: panel [
			style txt text
			style text text 156 right
			style text-num text 28 bold
			style field field 100x22 [update_new-file-list]
			style check-line check-line [update_new-file-list]
			style radio-line radio-line [update_new-file-list]
			style scroller scroller 100x20 0.0 edge [size: 2x2] with [
				minv: 1
				maxv: 50
				target: none
				words: reduce [
					'min func [new args] [new/minv: second args next args]
					'max func [new args] [new/maxv: second args new/step: 1 / (new/maxv - new/minv) next args]
					'target func [new args] [new/target: second args next args]
			] [set-face face/target round/to face/maxv - face/minv * value + face/minv 1 update_new-file-list]
			Across origin sp space sp
			btn "Reset to defaults" [reset_all update_new-file-list]
			pad 56
			check-ext: check-line "Include extension"
			;pad 0x9
			text "Trim:"
			field-trim: field
			text "Go to" 44
			text-goto1: text-num "1"
			text "th character:" 76
			scroller-goto1: scroller target text-goto1
			check-last1: check-line "from last"
			text "Find:"
			field-find1: field
			check-rev1: check-line "reverse"
			text "Skip " 44
			text-skip1: text-num "0"
			text "characters:" 76
			scroller-skip1: scroller target text-skip1 min 0
			text "Select to:"
			field-select: field
			check-select: check-line "included" no
			text "Select " 44
			text-select: text-num "0"
			text "characters:" 76
			scroller-select: scroller 175 target text-select min 0 max 120
			radio-cut: radio-line "Cut" on
			radio-copy: radio-line "Copy"
			text "Go to" 44
			text-goto2: text-num "1"
			text "th character:" 76
			scroller-goto2: scroller target text-goto2
			check-last2: check-line "from last"
			text "Find:"
			field-find2: field
			check-rev2: check-line "reverse"
			text "Skip " 44
			text-skip2: text-num "0"
			text "characters:" 76
			scroller-skip2: scroller target text-skip2 min 0
			check-paste: check-line "Paste"
			text "Insert:"
			field-insert: field [remove-each char face/text [find {\/:*?"<>|} char] show face update_new-file-list]
			check-date: check-line "Insert file's date"
			radio-date-dd: radio-line "dd-mm-yyyy" of 'date on
			radio-date-yy: radio-line "yyyy-mm-dd" of 'date
			check-autonum: check-line "Insert number from"
			field-start: field "1" 30 [if error? try [to-integer face/text] [face/text: "1" show face] update_new-file-list]
			txt	"step"
			field-step: field "1" 30 [if error? try [to-integer face/text] [face/text: "1" show face] update_new-file-list]
			txt "pad"
			field-pad: field "0000" 50 [remove-each char face/text [find {\/:*?"<>|} char] show face update_new-file-list]
			text "Insert:"
			field-insert2: field [remove-each char face/text [find {\/:*?"<>|} char] show face update_new-file-list]
			check-case: check-line "Change case to"
			radio-case-low: radio-line "lower" of 'case on
			radio-case-up: radio-line "UPPER" of 'case
			radio-case-first: radio-line "First upper" of 'case
		] edge [size: 1x1]
		;FIXME: partial renaming btn "Rename"
		at -1000x-1000 ; put out of sight
		key escape (0x0 - sp) [ask_close]
		box-ghost: box 1x1 ;effect [merge blur blur] ; used to ghost (aka disable) face
		size-text-face: text font [name: reduce [font-fixed]] para [wrap?: false] ; used to measure text size
	main-win/user-data: reduce ['size main-win/size]
	rezize-faces: func [siz [pair!]] [
		foreach [face scalex scaley] reduce [
			panel-lists 1 1
			info-nums 0.5 0 info-errs 0.5 0
			btn-exe 0.5 0 btn-undo 0.5 0 box-ghost 0.5 0
		] [face/size: face/size + as-pair (siz/x * scalex) (siz/y * scaley)]
		foreach [face scalex scaley] reduce [
			old-list 0.5 1 new-list 0.5 1
			scroller-old-list 0.5 0 scroller-new-list 0.5 0
		] [face/resize face/size + as-pair (siz/x * scalex) (siz/y * scaley)]
		foreach [face scalex scaley] reduce [
			btn-? 1 0 text-curr 0.2 0 text-new 0.8 0
			old-list 0 0 new-list 0.5 0
			scroller-old-list 0 1 scroller-new-list 0.5 1
			info-nums 0 1 info-errs 0.5 1
			btn-exe 0 1 btn-undo 0.5 1 box-ghost 0.5 1
			panel-commands 1 0
		] [face/offset: face/offset + as-pair (siz/x * scalex) (siz/y * scaley)]
		do-face new-list/sld new-list/sld/data
		max-line-length-old: scroller-redrag scroller-old-list old-list old-file-list
		max-line-length-new: scroller-redrag scroller-new-list new-list new-file-list
	insert-event-func func [face event /local siz] [
		switch event/type [
			close [
				if event/face = main-win [
					return none
				if all [value? 'help-win event/face = help-win] [unset 'help-win]
			resize [
				face: main-win
				siz: face/size - face/user-data/size     ; compute size difference
				face/user-data/size: face/size          ; store new size

				rezize-faces siz
				show main-win
			scroll-line [either event/offset/y < 0 [scroll-drag/back new-list/sld] [scroll-drag new-list/sld]]
	ask_close: does [
		if confirm "Exit now?" [
			if not empty? undo-list [
				if error? try [save undo-file undo-list] [alert "Unable to save undo file. UNDO IS DISABLED!"]
; main
	spc: " "
	max-line-length-old: max-line-length-new: 1
	path-name: none
	paths-list: copy []
	modified-list: copy []
	undo-file: %files-renamer-undo.rbl
	new-file-list: []
	append paths-list what-dir

	replace_file-list first paths-list
	if any [
			error? try [undo-list: load undo-file]
			empty? undo-list
		] [
		ghost btn-undo

	view/new/title/options main-win "Files Renamer" reduce ['resize 'min-size main-win/size + system/view/title-size + 8x10 + system/view/resize-border]