Title: "Font Lab"
    Date: 31-Mar-2001
    Version: 1.1.1
    File: %font-lab.r
    Author: "Carl Sassenrath"
    Purpose: "A tool for experimenting with fonts."
    library: [
        level: 'intermediate 
        platform: none 
        type: 'tool 
        domain: [GUI] 
        tested-under: none 
        support: none 
        license: none 
        see-also: none

change-styles: func [style start facet subfacet value /local v][
    start: find style/pane start
    foreach f start [
        f: in f facet
        if subfacet <> 'none [f: in get f subfacet]
        either block? value [
            if not block? get f [set f either none? get f [copy []][reduce [get f]]]
            either v: find get f value [remove v][head insert get f value]
        ][set f value]
    show style

chg: func ['facet 'subfacet value] [change-styles layo norm-start facet subfacet value]
shad: does [chg font shadow sdir * to-integer sl2/data * 16]
sdir: 1x1
sz: 180x40
sx2: sz/x / 2
layo: center-face layout [
    style tgl toggle 60
    style lab vtext bold
    backcolor rebolor
    space 0x5
    p: choice 180 "Sans-Serif Style" "Serif Style" "Fixed Width Style" 
        [chg font name pick reduce [font-sans-serif font-serif font-fixed] index? p/data]
    tgl "Bold" [chg font style [bold]]
    tgl "Italic" italic [chg font style [italic]]
    tgl "Lined" underline [chg font style [underline]]
    tgl "Left" of 'tg1 [chg font align 'left]
    tgl "Center" of 'tg1 [chg font align 'center]
    tgl "Right" of 'tg1 [chg font align 'right]
    tgl "Top" of 'tg2 [chg font valign 'top]
    tgl "Middle" of 'tg2 [chg font valign 'middle]
    tgl "Bottom" of 'tg2 [chg font valign 'bottom]
    lab "Size:" 60x20 font []
    sl: slider 120x20 [chg font size max 8 to-integer sl/data * 40]
    lab "Space:" 60x20 font []
    sl1: slider 120x20 [chg font space (1x0 * to-integer sl1/data * 20) - 5x0]
    lab "Shadow:" 60x20 font []
    sl2: slider 120x20 [shad]
    lab "Shad Dir:" 60x20
    arrow left  [sdir: sdir * 0x1 + -1x0 shad] pad 6
    arrow right [sdir: sdir * 0x1 + 1x0 shad]  pad 6
    arrow up    [sdir: sdir * 1x0 + 0x-1 shad] pad 6
    arrow down  [sdir: sdir * 1x0 + 0x1 shad]  pad 6
    button sx2 "Text Color" [chg font color request-color]
    button sx2 "Area Color" [chg color none request-color]
    button sx2 "Help" [alert "Click the controls on the left to change text on the right."]
    button sx2 "Close" #"^Q" [quit]
    at p/offset + (p/size * 1x0) + 10x0
    Title "Title" sz
    h1 "Heading 1" sz
    h2 "Heading 2" sz
    h3 "Heading 3" sz
    h4 "Heading 4" sz
    h5 "Heading 5" sz
    at norm-start/offset + (norm-start/size * 1x0) + 10x0
    banner "Banner" sz
    vh1 "Video Heading 1" sz
    vh2 "Video Heading 2" sz
    vh3 "Video Heading 3" sz
    vtext "Video Text" sz
    text "Document Text" sz
sl1/data: .5
sl2/data: .5
chg color none silver - 0.0.10
view/title layo reform ["Font Lab" system/script/header/version]