rebol [
	title: "LIQUID - core dataflow programming engine."
	; -- basic rebol header --
	file: 		%liquid.r
	version:	0.8.1
	date: 		2009-03-28
	author:		"Maxim Olivier-Adlhoch"
	copyright:	"Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Maxim Olivier-Adlhoch"

	;-- slim parameters --
	slim-name: 	'liquid
	slim-prefix: none
	slim-version: 0.9.12
	;-- REBOL.ORG header --
	library: [
		level:          'advanced
		platform:       'all
		type:           [ module ]
		domain:         [ external-library scientific ]
		tested-under:   [win view 2.7.5 2.7.6 sdk 2.7.5 2.7.6]
		support:        ""
		license:        'MIT

	;-- extended rebol header --
	purpose:	"Create procedural processing networks."
	notes:		"Needs STEEL|LIBRARY MANAGER (slim) package to be installed prior to usage."
	e-mail:		"moliad a-t aei d-o-t ca"
	license:    {Copyright (c) 2004-2009, Maxim Olivier-Adlhoch

		Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software 
		and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, 
		including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, 
		sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software 
		is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
		The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or 
		substantial portions of the Software.}
	to-do: {
		NOTE -  to do list is rarely maintained,
		        its probably not up to date or even valid:
		-link() does not consider pipes as exclusive connections.. pipe connections should always operate
		 in exclusive mode, so at the top of the func, it should enable "/exclusive" for pipes. 
		 must debug/test this whole procedure within liquid.
		-support string! on link() and unlink() label modes?
		-link()/attach (link to subordinate's pipe) TO DO
		-add more return values to functions like link, fill and connect, to allow interactive reactions to failed operations...
		-make ALL func tails (returns) GC friendly
		- differentiate debug and prod versions of the library
		   (same library with some error recovery removed, and vprinting excluded, for production code)
		-once piped, a plug should not become dirty, unless its pipe is dirty.  It should ignore any dirty
		 calls comming from its (temporarily useless) subordinates.
		-support label being present in list more than once (complements exclusive wrt labeled linking mode)
		-when attaching two piped plugs, add a callback to allow a pipe server to de-allocate itself safely when it detects it has no more pipe clients.
		** v2 proposals **
		 doesn't actually start processing, but distributes a set of values within a graph.
		-PROPATE ANY STATE, not just dirty. (ex: error), a subset of above
		-PARAMETER & CONTAINER INDEXED CACHING, caching of liquid is based on a key set of parameters, allowing us to
		 reload past processing!
		-CLASS-WIDE LINKS! all instances share links (allows VERY fast manipulation of global state without needing to 
		 link each instance separatly)
		-SUBORDINATE CONTAINMENT (like a fill, directly stored in subordinate block.)  allows us to simulate
		 a node which is connected to several subordinate containers, without the need to actually allocate any of them.
	changes: {
	history: {
		-finalise new piping and mud mechanism
		-link()/exlusive implementation

		-add /as to liquify
		-add stats method to valve.
		-fully test and enable labeled mode for linking
		-add valve/links/labels
		-add valve/links/labeled
		-finish block optimisation in instigate returning all subordinate values directly.
	v0.5.5 - 24-Apr-2006/13:13:13
		-added disregard
		-rebuilt unlink using disregard (cause v0.5.4 didn't unlink observers! MAJOR BUG)
		-link() should return an error when trying to link a pipe server using /label (not likely, but for advanced users this must be explicitely disallowed)
		-support multiple plugs per label

	v0.5.6 - 26-Apr-2006/11:14:34
		-added /fill refinement to liquify

	v0.5.7 - 27-Apr-2006/3:35:39
		-removed all double comments (;;) from code
		-improved comments on valve/setup and explicitely state that we can call link at that point.
		-added valve/sub()
		-cycle? now officially part of miscelaneous methods
		-added /link refinement to liquify

	v0.5.8 - 29-Apr-2006/14:31:40
		-verbose is now off by default, from now on.

	v0.5.9 - 29-Apr-2006/15:02:55
		-fix dirty? state return valur of purify.
		-fixed propagate as a result of above fix

	v0.5.10 - 24-May-2006/17:07:43
		-added category to valve.  helps in classification.
		-removed init as default startup state, easy to forget and invalidates dirtyness by default..
		 better let the user toggle it on knowingly  :-)

	v0.5.11 - 5-Oct-2006/2:27:14
		-renamed plug! to !plug (no clash with real types)
		-officially added !node alias to !plug (to ease adoption)
		-liquify/link properly support single plug! spec (it used to support only a block of plugs)
		-added linked-container? attribute to !plug
		-fill now creates a container (simple pipe) rather than a pipe (linked pipe) by default.
		-added word! clash protection on link labels, so that instigate code can separate labels from actual word! type data (not 100% fault tolerant, but with documentation, it becomes easy to prevent).

	v0.5.12 - 17-Oct-2006/11:58:09
		-license switch to MIT

	v0.5.13 - 20-Oct-2006/5:31:44
		-attach() pipe linking method
		-detach() pipe unlinking method
		-added support for a block! of subordinates in link utility func.

	v0.6.0 - 1-Nov-2006/11:19:29 (MOA)
		-quick release cleanup.
		-version major

	v0.6.1 - 27-Nov-2006/15:01:40 (MOA)
		-added pipe function, with optional /with refinement.  makes piping more explicit.
		-fixed linked-container? mode handling here and there.

	v0.6.2 - 12-Dec-2006/22:35:25 (MOA)
		-fixed a rare linking setup, when you supply none! as the subordinate to create orphaned links.

	v0.6.3 - 12-Dec-2006/22:55:18 (MOA)

	v0.6.4 - 4-Feb-2007/7:01:06 (MOA)
		-adding the commit feature.  vastly simplifying many plug uses.
		-not yet implemented commit, but layed out the design for future compatibility.

	v0.6.5 - 19-Feb-2007/22:35:54 (MOA)

	v0.6.5 - 13-Apr-2007/19:02:42 (MOA)

	v0.6.6 - 13-Apr-2007/19:02:58 (MOA)

	v0.6.7 - 20-Apr-2007/2:59:58 (Unknown)

	v0.6.8 - 29-Apr-2007/7:55:52 (Unknown)

	v0.6.9 - 30-Apr-2007/16:56:30 (Unknown)
		-added insubordinate method.
		-added /with refinement to liquid

	v0.6.10 - 30-Apr-2007/22:07:40 (Unknown)
		-now clears sid in destroy (extra mem cleanup)

	v0.6.11 - 11-May-2007/0:46:56 (Unknown)
		-added reset refinement to link and valve/link

	v0.6.14 - 11-Jul-2007/19:46:17 (MOA)

	v0.6.15 - 15-Jul-2007/0:58:46 (Unknown)

	v0.6.17 - 16-Jul-2007/22:57:02 (MOA)

	v0.7.0 - 7-Mar-2009/00:54:04(MOA)
		-added PIPE-SERVER-CLASS functionality to ease custom pipe management
		-fixed minor fill bug related to binding in rebol sub-objects
	v0.7.1 - 8-Mar-2009/05:54:04(MOA)
		-fixed regression in link() where a word was deleted from the code for some unknown reason, breaking the function on un-piped nodes.
		-added FROZEN? and related functionality. can be set to a function for powerfull dynamic node freezing.
	v0.7.2 - 8-Mar-2009/21:25:55(MOA)
		-officially deprecated and REMOVED SHARED-STATES from the whole module
	v0.8.0 - 15-Mar-2009/00:00:00(MOA)
		-adding stream engine for propagation-style inter-node messaging.
		-STREAM() added for look-ahead messaging (ask observers to react to us)
		-ON-STREAM() added to support callbacks when linkeage changes.
	v0.8.1 - 28-Mar-2009/00:00:00(MOA)
		-PROPAGATE?() added to valve - allows us to optimise lazyness in some advanced plugs
		-LINK?() regression found and fixed... cycle?() was not being used anymore!

; use following line to determine real code size without comments.
; save %/c/dev/stripped-liquid.r load %/C/dev/projects/liquid/libs/liquid.r

slim/register [

	verbose: false

	; next sid to assign to any liquid plug.
	; and also tells you how many plugs have been registered so far.
	;-    liquid-sid-count:
	liquid-sid-count: 0

	;-    plug-list:
	plug-list: make hash! none

	;-    alloc-sid()
	; currently the sid is a simple number, but
	; could become something a bit stronger in time,
	; so this allows us to eventually change the system without
	; need to change any plug generating code.
	alloc-sid: func [][
		liquid-sid-count: liquid-sid-count + 1

	;-    retrieve-plug()
	retrieve-plug: select-plug: func [
		"return the plug related to an sid stored in the global plug-list"
		select plug-list sid

	;-    liquify()
	; v0.6.6 change!!! shared-states are now EXPLICITELY shared from type to instance.
	;                  if you want a set of plugs to share their own shared-states, 
	;                  change it in the reference type object!
	liquify: func [
		type [object!] "Plug class object."
		/with spec "Attributes you wish to add to the new plug ctx."
		/as valve-type "shorthand to derive valve as an indepent from supplied type, this sets type/valve/type"
		/fill data "shortcut, will immediately fill the liquid right after its initialisation"
		/piped "since fill now makes containers by default, this will tell the engine to make it a pipe beforehand."
		/link plugs [block! object!]
		/label lbl [word!] "specify label to link to (no use unless /link is also provided)"
		/local plug
		vin "liquify*()"
		spec: either none? spec [[]][spec]
		; unify plugs datatype
;		plugs: compose [(plugs)]

		if object? plugs [
			plugs: compose [(plugs)]
		if as [
			spec: append copy spec compose/deep [valve: make valve [type: (to-lit-word valve-type)]]
		plug: make type spec
		;plug/shared-states: type/shared-states
		plug/valve/init plug
		if piped [
			plug/valve/new-pipe plug
		if fill [
			plug/valve/fill plug data
		if link [
			vprint ["I should link! " plug/valve/type]
			;print "#################################"
			link*/label plug plugs lbl
;			forall plugs [
;				either lbl [
;					plug/valve/link/label plug first plugs lbl
;				][
;					plug/valve/link plug first plugs
;				]
;			]
		return first reduce [plug plug: plugs: data: none] ; clean GC return

	;-    true?()
	true?: func [value][value = true]

	;-    count()
	while*: get in system/words 'while
	count: func [;
		series [series!]
		/while wend
		/until uend
		/within min "we must find at least one value before hitting this index, or else we return 0"
		/local counter i item
		counter: 0
		i: 0
		while* [ 
			(not tail? series)
			i: i + 1
			if find item: copy/part series 1 value [
				counter: counter + 1
			; check if we hit the end condition once we started counting value
			if all [while counter > 0] [
				if not find item wend [
					series: tail series
			; check if we hit the end condition once we started counting value
			if all [until counter > 0] [
				if find item uend [
					series: tail series
			; are we past minimum search success range?
			if all [
				counter = 0
				i >= min
				series: tail series
			series: next series

	;-    fill()
	fill: func [
		"shortcut for a plug's fill method"
		plug [object!]
		plug/valve/fill plug value
	;-    pipe()
	pipe: func [
		"converts a plug into a pipe"
		plug [object!]
		/with val
		unless with [
			val: plug/valve/content plug
		plug/valve/new-pipe plug val
		plug: val: none
	;-    content()
	content: func [
		"shortcut for a plug's content method"
		plug [object!]
		plug/valve/cleanup plug
	cleanup: :content
	;-    dirty()
	dirty: func [
		vin [{liquid/dirty()}]
		plug/valve/dirty plug

	;-    link()
	link: func [
		"shortcut for a plug's link method"
		observer [object!]
		subordinate [object! block!]
		/label lbl [word! none!]
		/reset "will call reset on the link method (clears pipe or container constraints, if observer is piped)"
		/exclusive "Only allow one link per label or whole unlabled plug"
		/local blk val
		vin ["liquid-lib/link*[" observer/sid "]"]
		;probe first subordinate
		;probe mold/all head subordinate
		either block? subordinate [
			;probe subordinate
			;vprobe reduce ["linking a block of plugs: " extract subordinate 2]
			;probe length? subordinate
			forall subordinate [
				vprint "=============="
				vprint type? ; (of val)
				val: pick subordinate 1
				either any [
					set-word? :val
					lit-word? :val
					vprint "@@@@@@@@@@"
					vprobe pick subordinate 1
					change subordinate to-word val
					;print ["APPLYING :  type?: " type? val]
					change subordinate do val
					;probe type? pick subordinate -1
			blk: subordinate: head subordinate
			blk: subordinate: compose [(subordinate)]
		;vprint "$$$$$$$$$"
		vprobe type? subordinate
		vprobe length? subordinate
		;blk:  compose [(subordinate)]
		foreach subordinate blk [
			; we can now specify the label directly within the block, so we can spec a whole labeled 
			; link setup in one call to link
			either word? subordinate [
				lbl: subordinate
				;vprobe "#####"
				v?? lbl
				;vprobe "-"
				vprobe type? subordinate
				vprobe subordinate/valve/type
				any [
					all [lbl reset       observer/valve/link/label/reset observer subordinate lbl]
					all [lbl exclusive   observer/valve/link/label/exclusive observer subordinate lbl]
					all [lbl             observer/valve/link/label observer subordinate lbl]
					all [reset           observer/valve/link/reset observer subordinate ]
					all [exclusive       observer/valve/link/exclusive observer subordinate ]
					observer/valve/link observer subordinate
	;-    attach()
	attach: func [
		vin [{attach()}]
		observer/valve/attach observer pipe
	; just memorise so we can use this enhanced version within liquify
	link*: :link

	;-    objectify()
	objectify: func [
		"takes a process func data input and groups them into an object."
		;plug [object!]
		data [block!]
		/local blk here plugs
		vin/tags ["objectify()"] [objectify]
		blk: compose/only [unlabeled: (plugs: copy [])]
		parse data [
			any [
				[here: word! (append blk to-set-word pick here 1 append/only blk plugs: copy [])]
				[here: skip (append plugs pick here 1)]
		vout/tags [objectify]
		; parse plug/subordinates
		context blk

	;-    is?()
	is?: func [
		"tries to find a word within the valve definition which matches qualifier: '*qualifier*"
		plug [object!]
		qualifier [word!]
		;print "IS?"
		found? in plug/valve to-word rejoin ["*" qualifier "*"]

	;- !PLUG
	!node: !plug: make object! [
		;-    VALUES
		;-       sid:
		; a unique serial number which will never change
		sid: 0	; (integer!)
		;-       observers:
		; who is using ME (none or a block)
		observers: none
		;-       subordinates:
		; who am I using  (none or a block)
		subordinates: none
		;-       dirty?:
		; has any item above me in the chain changed?
		; some systems will always set this back to false,
		; when they process at each change instead of deffering eval.
		; v0.8.0 added the 'clogged state.  this is 
		;        defined as a dirty state within the
		;        node, but prevents any propagation
		;        from crossing the !plug, allowing
		;        for single refresh which doesn't
		;        cause the whole tree to become dirty.
		;        usefull in controled environments
		;        especially to contain stainless?
		;        plugs to over reach observers which
		;        actually do not need to now about
		;        our own local refreshes.
		; when plugs are new, they are obviously dirty.
		dirty?: True
		;-       frozen?:
		; this allows you to prevent a !plug from
		; cleaning itself.  the plug remains dirty
		; will never be processed.
		; this is a very powerfull optimisation in many
		; circumstances.  We often know within a manager,
		; that a specific network has to be built before
		; it has any meaning (several links are needed,
		; data has to be piped, but isn't available yet, etc)
		; normaly, if any observer is stainless? or being
		; viewed dynamically, it will cause a chain reaction
		; which is ultimately useless and potentially slow.
		; imagine a graphic operation which takes a second
		; to complete for each image linked... if you link
		; 5 images, you end up with a fibonacci curve of wasted time
		; thus 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 ... 13 operations, when only the last
		; are 5 really usefull!
		; as the data set grows, this is exponentially slow.
		; if we freeze the node while the linking occurs,
		; and then unfreeze it, only one process is called,
		; with the 5 links.
		; nodes aren't frozen by default cause it would be tedious
		; to manage all the time, but use this when its 
		; worth it!
		frozen?: False
		;-       stainless?:
		; This forces the container to automatically regenerate content when set to dirty!
		; thus it can never be dirty...
		; used sparingly this is very powerfull, cause it allows the end of a procedural
		; tree to be made "live".  its automatically refreshed, without your intervention :-)
		stainless?: False
		;-       pipe?:
		; pipe? is used to either determine if this liquid IS a pipe or if it is connected to one.
		; v0.5.1 change: now support 'simple  as an alternative plug mode, which allows us to fill data
		; in a plug without actually generating/handling a pipe connection.  The value is simply dumped
		; in plug/liquid and purify may adapt it as usual
		; This new behaviour is called containing, and like piping, allows liquids to store data
		; values instead of only depending on external inputs.
		; This property will also change how various functions react, so be sure not to play around
		; with this, unless you are sure of what you are doing.
		; by setting pipe? to True, you will tell liquid that this IS a pipe plug.  This means that the plug
		; is responsible for notifying all the subordinates that its value has changed.
		; it uses standard liquid procedures to alert piped plugs that its dirty, and whatnot.
		; By setting this to a plug object, you are telling liquid that you are CONNECTED to a 
		; pipe, thus, our fill method will send the data to IT.
		; note that you can call fill directly on a pipe, in which case it will fill its pipe clients
		; normally.
		; also, because the pipe IS a plug, you can theoretically link it to another plug, but this 
		; creates issues which are not designed yet, so this useage is not encouraged, further 
		; versions might specifically handle this situation by design.
		pipe?: none
		;-       mud:
		; stores manually filled values
		mud: none
		;-       liquid:
		; stores processing results (cached process) makes all the network lightyears faster.
		; this is set by the content method using the return value of process
		liquid: none
		;-       shared-states:
		; deprecated (unused and slows down operation)
		; this is a very special block, which must NOT be replaced arbitrarily.
		; basically, it allows ALL nodes in a liquid session to extremely 
		; efficiently share states.
		; typical use is to prevent processing in specific network states
		; where we know processing is useless, like on network init.
		; add  'init to the shared-states block to prevent propagation whenever you are
		; creating massive amounts of nodes. then remove the init and call cleanup on any leaf nodes
		; the instigate func and clear func still work.  they are just
		; not called in some circumstances.
		; making new !plugs with alternate shared-states blocks, means you can separate your
		; networks, even if they share the same base clases.
		;shared-states: []
		;-       linked-container?:
		; if set to true, this tells the processing mechanisms that you wish to have both 
		; the linked data AND mud, which will be filtered, processed and whatever 
		; the mud will always be the last item on the list.
		linked-container: linked-container?: false
		;-    VALVE (class)
		valve: make object! [
			;-        qualifiers:
			;-            *plug*
			; normally, we'd add a word in the definition like so... but its obviously useless adding
			; a word within all plugs
			; the value of the qualifier is a version, which identifies which version of a specific
			; master class we are derived from
			; ex:
			; *plug*: 1.0  
			; class name (should be word)
			;-        type:
			type: '!plug
			; used to classify types of liquid nodes.
			;-        category:
			category: '!plug
			;-        pipe-server-class:
			; this is set to !plug just after the class is created.
			; put the class you want to use automatically within you plug derivatives
			pipe-server-class: none
			;-      miscelaneous methods

			;-        cycle?()
			; check if a plug is part of any of its subordinates
			cycle?: func [
				"checks if a plug is part of its potential subordinates, and returns true if a link cycle was detected. ^/^-^-If you wish to detect a cycle BEFORE a connection is made, supply observer as ref plug and subordinate as plug."
				plug "the plug to start looking for in tree of subordinates" [object!]
				/with "supply reference plug directly"
					refplug "the plug which will be passed along to all the subordinates, to compare.  If not set, will be set to plug" [block!]
				/debug "step by step traversal of tree for debug purposes, should only be used when prototyping code"
				/local cycle? index len
				either debug [
					vin/always ["liquid/"  type  "[" plug/sid "]/cycle?" ]
					vin ["liquid/"  type  "[" plug/sid "]/cycle?" ]
				cycle?: false
				if debug [
					if refplug [
						vprint/always ["refplug/sid: " refplug/sid ]

				; is this a cycle?
				either (same? plug refplug) [
					vprint/always "WARNING: liquid data flow engine Detected a connection cycle!"
					cycle?: true

					if none? refplug [
						refplug: plug

					;does this plug have subordinates
					if plug/valve/linked? plug [
						if debug [
							ask "press enter to move on cycle check to next subordinate"
						index: 1
						len: length? plug/subordinates

						until [
							;  quickfix... do MUCH more testing
							if plug/subordinates/:index [	
								cycle?: plug/subordinates/:index/valve/cycle?/with plug/subordinates/:index refplug
							index: index + 1
							any [
								index > len

				refplug: plug: none

				either debug [


			;-        stats()
			stats: func [
				"standardized function which print data about a plug"
				plug "plug to display stats about" [object!]
				/local lbls item vbz labels
				vin/always/tags  ["liquid/"  type  "[" plug/sid "]/stats" ] [!plug stats]
				vprint/always/tags "================" [!plug stats]
				vprint/always/tags "PLUG STATISTICS:" [!plug stats]
				vprint/always/tags "================" [!plug stats]
				vprint/always/tags "LABELING:" [!plug stats]
				vprint/always/tags "---" [!plug stats]
				vprint/always/tags [ "type:      " plug/valve/type ] [!plug stats]
				vprint/always/tags [ "category:      " plug/valve/category ] [!plug stats]
				vprint/always/tags [ "serial id: " plug/sid] [!plug stats]
				vprint/always/tags "" [!plug stats]
				vprint/always/tags "LINKEAGE:" [!plug stats]
				vprint/always/tags "---" [!plug stats]
				vprint/always/tags ["total subordinates: " count plug/subordinates object! ] [!plug stats]
				vprint/always/tags ["total observers: " length? plug/observers  ] [!plug stats]
				vprint/always/tags ["total commits: " count plug/subordinates block! ] [!plug stats]
				if find plug/subordinates word! [
					vbz: verbose
					verbose: false
					lbls: plug/valve/links/labels plug
					labels: copy []
					foreach item lbls [
						append labels item
						append labels rejoin ["("  plug/valve/links/labeled plug item ")"]
					verbose: vbz
					vprint/always/tags ["labeled links:  (" labels ")"] [!plug stats]
				vprint/always/tags "" [!plug stats]
				vprint/always/tags ["VALUE:"] [!plug stats]
				vprint/always/tags "---" [!plug stats]
				either series? plug/liquid [
					;print "$$$$$$$$"
					vprint/always/tags rejoin ["" type?/word plug/liquid ": " copy/part mold/all plug/liquid 100 " :"] [!plug stats]
					;print "%%%%%%%%"
					vprint/always/tags rejoin ["" type?/word plug/liquid ": " plug/liquid] [!plug stats]
				vprint/always/tags "" [!plug stats]
				vprint/always/tags "INTERNALS:" [!plug stats]
				vprint/always/tags "---" [!plug stats]
				vprint/always/tags [ "pipe?: " any [
					all [object? plug/pipe? rejoin ["object! sid(" plug/pipe?/sid ")"]]
				]] [!plug stats]
				vprint/always/tags [ "stainless?: " plug/stainless? ] [!plug stats]
				vprint/always/tags [ "dirty?: " plug/dirty? ] [!plug stats]
				;vprint/always/tags [ "shared-states: " plug/shared-states ] [!plug stats]
				vprint/always/tags [ "linked-container?: " plug/linked-container? ] [!plug stats]
				either series? plug/mud [
					vprint/always/tags [ "mud: "  copy/part mold/all plug/mud 100 ] [!plug stats]
					vprint/always/tags [ "mud: " plug/mud ]  [!plug stats]
				vprint/always/tags "================" [!plug stats]
				vout/always/tags [!plug stats]

			;-      construction methods

			;-        init()
			; called on every new !plug, of any type.
			;  See also:  SETUP, CLEANSE, DESTROY
			init: func [
				plug "plug to initialize" [object!]
				plug/sid: alloc-sid
				vin ["liquid/"  type  "[" plug/sid "]/init" ]
				plug/observers: copy []
				plug/subordinates: copy []

				append plug-list plug/sid
				append plug-list plug

				setup plug
				cleanse plug

				; allow per instance init, if that plug type needs it.  Use as SPARINGLY as possible.
				if in plug 'init [

			;-        setup()
			; called on every NEW plug of THIS class when plug is created.
			; for any recyclable attributes, implement them in cleanse.
			; This function is called by valve/init directly.
			; At this point (just before calling setup), the object is valid 
			; wrt liquid, so we can already call valve methods on the plug 
			; (link, for example)
			;  See also:  INIT, CLEANSE, DESTROY
			setup: func [
				plug [object!]
				vin ["liquid/"  type  "[" plug/sid "]/setup" ]

			;-        cleanse()
			; use this to reset the plug to a neutral and default value. could also be called reset.
			; this should be filled appropriately for plugs which contain other plugs, in such a case,
			; you should cleanse each of those members if appropriate.
			; This is the complement to the setup function, except that it can be called manually
			; by the user within his code, whenever he wishes to reset the plug.
			; init calls cleanse just after setup, so you can put setup code here too or instead. 
			; remember that cleanse can be called at any moment whereas setup will only 
			; ever be called ONCE.
			; optionally, you might want to unlink the plug or its members.
			;  See also:  SETUP, INIT, DESTROY
			cleanse: func [
				plug [object!]
				vin ["liquid/"  type  "[" plug/sid "]/cleanse" ]

				;plug/mud: none
				;plug/liquid: none ; this just breaks to many setups.  implement manually when needed.

				; cleanup pointers
				plug: none

			;-        destroy()
			; use this whenever you must destroy a plug.
			; destroy is mainly used to ensure that any internal liquid is unreferenced in order for the garbage collector
			; to be able to properly recuperate any latent liquid.
			; after using destroy, the plug is UNUSABLE. it is completely broken and nothing is expected to be usable within.
			; nothing short of calling init back on the plug is expected to work (usually completely rebuilding it from scratch) .
			;  See also:  INIT SETUP CLEANSE
			destroy: func [
				plug [object!]
				vin/tags ["!plug/destroy()"] [destroy]
				plug/valve/unlink plug
				plug/valve/insubordinate plug
				plug/valve/detach plug
				plug/mud: none
				plug/liquid: none
				plug/subordinates: none
				plug/observers: none
				plug/pipe?: none
				;plug/shared-states: none
				plug: first reduce [plug/sid plug/sid: none]
				if plug: find plug-list plug [
					remove/part plug 2
				vout/tags [destroy]

			;-      plug connection methods
			;-        link?()
			; validate if plug about to be linked is valid.
			; default method simply refuses if its already in our subordinates block.
			link?: func [
				observer [object!] "plug about to perform link"
				subordinate [object!] "plug which wants to be linked to"
				vin ["liquid/"  type  "(" observer/sid ")/link?" ]

				; basic plugs accepts all connection which are not the same plug
				;(observer <> subordinate)
				; by default, plugs now do a verification of processing cycles
				; if you need speed and can implement the cycle call within the manager instead,
				; you can simply replace this func, but the above warning come into effect.
				; the cycle check slows down linkeage but garantees prevention of deadlocks.
				not cycle?/with observer subordinate

			;-        link()
			; link to a plug (of any type)
			; v0.5
			; if subordinate is a pipe, we only do one side of the link.  This is because 
			; the oberver connects to its pipe (subordinate) via the pipe? attribute.
			; v0.5.4
			; we now explicitely allow labeled links and even allow them to be orphaned.
			; so we support  0-n number of links per label
			link: func [
				observer [object!] "plug which depends on another plug, expecting liquid"
				subordinate [object! none! block!] "plug which is providing the liquid. none is only supported if label is specified. block! links to all plugs in block"
				/head "this puts the subordinate before all links...  only supported in unlabeled mode for now"
				/label lbl [word! string!] "the label you wish to use if needing to reference plugs by name. labels are always exclusive, meaning you can only have any label only once within your subordinates."
				/exclusive  "Is the connection exclusive (will disconnect already linked plugs), cooperates with /label refinement, note that specifying a block and /explicit will result in the last item of the block being linked ONLY."
				/limit max [integer!] limit-mode [word!] " NOT IMPLEMENTED YET !!! maximum number of connections to perform and how to react when limit is breached"
				/reset "Unpipes, unlinks the node first and IMPLIES EXCLUSIVE (label is supported as normal). This basically makes SURE the supplied subordinate will become the soul data provider and really will be used."
				/local subordinates labeled? plug ok?
				vin ["liquid/"  type  "(" observer/sid ")/link" ]
				ok?: true
				if reset [
					observer/valve/detach observer
					observer/valve/unlink observer
					either label [
						observer/valve/link/label observer subordinate lbl 
						observer/valve/link observer subordinate
				foreach subordinate compose [(subordinate)] [
					if object? subordinate [
						vprint ["linking to : " subordinate/valve/type]
					if label [
						vprint ["At label: " lbl]
					either any [
						all [none? subordinate label]
						link? observer subordinate
						; in exclusive  mode, only connect one thing at a time 
						; (this should eventually be expanded to support /limit count.
						any [
							all [ exclusive label (unlink/only observer lbl true)]
							all [ exclusive (unlink observer true)]
						either all [subordinate true? subordinate/pipe?] [
							vprint "==================================="
							vprint ["ATTEMPTING TO LINK A !PLUG [" observer/sid "] TO A PIPE SERVER[" subordinate/sid"]"]
							if label [to-error "liquid/link(): CANNOT LINK PIPE SERVERS USING /label REFINEMENT"]
							; we don't link anything here, since the pipe? attribute is where we connect
							; our pipe.  but we use the pipe? attribute to remember who we are listening to.
							; this setup allows us to keep our connections intact while using piped data
							; temporarily, automatically reverting to a linked setup if we disconnect from
							; the pipe!
							observer/pipe?: subordinate ; plug that it is connected to a pipe
							either label [
								subordinates: any [
									all [subordinates: labeled?: find/tail observer/subordinates lbl
										find subordinates word!]
								 	tail observer/subordinates
								unless labeled? [
									insert subordinates lbl
									subordinates: next subordinates
								if subordinate [
									insert subordinates subordinate
								subordinates: labeled?: none
								if subordinate [
									either head [
										insert observer/subordinates subordinate
										append observer/subordinates subordinate
						; if subordinate is none, don't try to link us to it!
						if subordinate [
							either head [
								append subordinate/observers observer
								insert subordinate/observers observer
						;unless find observer/shared-states 'init [
							; getting linked should force an observer refresh
							dirty observer
						; callback which allows plugs to perform tricks after being linked
						observer/valve/on-link observer subordinate
						ok?: false

				vout ok?


			;-        on-link()
			; makes reacting to linking easier within sub-classes of !plug
			; this is called AFTER the link, so you can react to the link's position 
			; in the subordinates...  :-)
			on-link: func [
				plug [object!]
				subordinate [object!]
				vin ["liquid/"  type  "[" plug/sid "]/on-link()" ]

			;-        linked? ()
			; is a plug observing another plug? (is it dependent or piped?)
			linked?: func [
				plug "plug to verify" [object!]
				/only "does not consider a piped plug as linked, usually used when we want to go to/from (toggle) piped mode."
				/with subordinate [object!] "only returns true if we are linked with a specific subordinate"
				vin ["liquid/"  type  "[" plug/sid "]/linked?()" ]
				vout/return	vprobe true? any [
					all [
						not empty? plug/subordinates
						any [
							; any connection is good?
							not with
							; is the subordinate already linked?
							find plug/subordinates subordinate
					all [not only object? plug/pipe?]

			;-        sub()
			; returns specific links from our subordinates
			sub: func [
				plug [object! block!]
				/labeled labl [word!] ; deprecated, backwards compatibility only.  do not use.  will eventually be removed
				/label lbl [word!]
				;/start sindex
				;/end eindex
				;/part amount
				/local amount blk src-blk
				if labeled [lbl: labl label: true] ; deprecated, backwards compatibility only.  do not use.  will eventually be removed
				src-blk: any [
					all [block? plug plug]
				either label [
					either label: find/tail src-blk lbl [
						unless amount: find label word! [ ; till next label or none (till end).
							amount: tail label
						blk: copy/part label amount ; if they are the same, nothing is copied
						blk: none
					blk: none
				return first reduce [blk src-blk: labeled: label: lbl: labl: amount: blk: none]

			;-        links()
			; a generalized link querying method.  supports different modes based on refinements.
			; returns the number of plugs we are observing
			links: func [
				plug [object!] "the plug you wish to scan"
				/labeled lbl [word!] "return only the number of links for specified label"
				/labels "returns linked plug labels instead of link count"
				/local at lbls
				vin ["liquid/"  type  "(" plug/sid ")/links" ]
				vout/return either labels [
					either find plug/subordinates word! [
						foreach item plug/subordinates [
							if word! = (type? item) [
								lbls: any [lbls copy []]
								append lbls item
					either labeled [
						either (at: find plug/subordinates lbl) [
							; count all objects until we hit something else than an object if and only if we find an object just past the label
							count/while/within at object! object! 2
							; none is returned if the label is not in list
						count plug/subordnates object!

			;-        unlink()
			; unlink myself
			; by default,  we will be unlinked from ALL our subordinates.
			; note that as of v5.4 we support orphaned labels. This means we can have labels
			; with a count of 0 as their number of plugs.  This is in order to keep evaluation
			; and plug ordering intact even when replacing plugs.  many tools will need this, 
			; since order of connections can influence processing order in some setups.
			; v.0.5.5 now returns the plugs it unlinked, makes it easy to unlink data, filter plugs
			;         and reconnect those you really wanted to keep.
			unlink: func [
				plug [object!]
				/only oplug [object! integer! word!] "unlink a specifc plug... not all of them.  Specifying a word! will switch to label mode!"
				/part amount [integer!] "Unlink these many plugs, default is all.  /part is only handled along with /only,  the /only acts as a start point (if object! or integer!) or bounds (when word! label is given)."
				/label "actually delete the label itself if /only 'label is selected and we end up removing all plugs."
				/local blk subordinate count rval
				vin ["liquid/"  type  "(" plug/sid ")/unlink" ]
				if linked? plug [
					rval: copy []
					if not part [
						amount: 1
					either only [
						switch type?/word oplug [
							object! [
								if found? blk: find plug/subordinates oplug [
									rval: disregard/part plug blk amount

							integer! [
								; oplug is an integer
								; we should not be using labels in this case.
								rval: disregard/part plug (at plug/subordinates oplug) amount

							word! [
								if subordinate: find plug/subordinates oplug [
									vprint ["UNLINKING LABEL!:" oplug]
									lblcount: links/labeled plug oplug
									either part [
										; cannot remove more plugs than there are, can we :-)
										amount: min amount lblcount
										; remove all links 
										amount: lblcount
									; in any case, we can only remove the label if all links would be removed
									either all [
										amount >= lblcount
										; we must remove label and all its links
										remove subordinate
										rval: disregard/part plug subordinate amount
										; remove all links but keep the label.
										; amount could be zero, in which case nothing happens.
										rval: disregard/part plug next subordinate amount

						; tell all subordinates to stop observing us
						foreach subordinate plug/subordinates [
							if object? subordinate [
								if (found? blk: find subordinate/observers plug) [
									remove blk
								vprint ["Unlinked from plug (" subordinate/sid ")"]
							append rval subordinate
						; unlink ourself from all those subordinates
						clear head plug/subordinates

					dirty plug
				oplug: none
				plug: none

			;-        insubordinate()
			insubordinate: func [
				plug [object!]
				/local observer
				vin/tags ["insubordinate()"] [insubordinate]
				foreach observer copy plug/observers [
					observer/valve/unlink/only observer plug
				vout/tags [insubordinate]

			;-        disregard()
			; this is a complement to unlink.  we ask the engine to remove the observer from
			; the subordinate's observer list, if its present.
			; as an added feature, if the supplied subordinate is within a block, we
			; remove it from that block.
			disregard: func [
				observer [object!]
				subordinates [object! block!]
				/part amount [integer!] "Only if subordinate is a block!, if amount is 0, nothing happends."
				/local blk iblk subordinate
				vin/tags ["liquid/"  type  "(" observer/sid ")/disregard()" ] [liquid !plug disregard]
				either block? subordinates [
					subordinates: copy/part iblk: subordinates any [amount 1]
					remove/part iblk length? subordinates
					subordinates: reduce [subordinates]
				foreach subordinate subordinates [
					either object? subordinate [
						vprint ["plug " subordinate/sid " disregarding " observer/sid ]
						either (found? blk: find subordinate/observers observer) [
							remove blk
							to-error rejoin ["liquid/"  type  "[" plug/sid "]/disregard: not observing specified subordinate ( " subordinate/sid ")" ]
						to-error rejoin ["liquid/"  type  "[" plug/sid "]/disregard: supplied subordinates must be or contain objects." ]
				blk: observer: subordinate: iblk: none
				vout/tags [liquid disregard !plug]

			;-      piping methods

			;-        new-pipe()
			; create a new pipe plug.
			; This is a method, simply because we can easily change what kind of 
			; plug is generated in derived liquid classes.
			new-pipe: func [
				plug [object!]
				/local newplug
				vin/tags ["liquid/"  type  "(" plug/sid ")/new-pipe" ] [!plug new-pipe]
				; unlink plug ; we keep our connections but don't react to them anymore
				vprint ["PIPE MASTER TYPE: " pipe-server-class/valve/type]

				; if you want a custom plug server class, just set the pipe-server-class within your class.
				newplug: make pipe-server-class [self/valve/init self]
				newplug/pipe?: true ; tells new plug that IT is a pipe server
				link plug newplug ; we want to be aware of pipe changes. (this will also connect the pipe in our pipe? attribute)
				vout/tags [!plug new-pipe]
				return first reduce [newplug newplug: none]

			;-        pipe()
			pipe: func [
				"return pipe which should be filled (if any)"
				plug [object!] ; plug to get pipe plug from
				/always "Creates a pipe plug if we are not connected to one"
				vin/tags ["liquid/"  type  "(" plug/sid ")/pipe" ] [!plug pipe]
				vout/tags/return [!plug pipe] any [
					all [(object? plug/pipe?) plug/pipe?]
					all [(plug/pipe? = true) plug]
					all [(plug/pipe? = 'simple) plug]
					all [always new-pipe plug]

			;-        attach()
			; this is the complement to link, but specifically for piping.
			attach: func [
				observer [object!] "The plug we wish to start being piped, can be currently piped or not"
				subordinate [object!] "The plug which will be providing the pipe.  If it currently has one, it will be asked to create one, per its current pipe callback"
				/local plug
				vin/tags ["liquid/"  type  "[" observer/sid "]/attach() to: [" subordinate/sid "]"] [attach]
				;check if observer isn't currently piped into something
				observer/valve/detach observer
				; get the pipe we should be attaching to
				plug: subordinate/valve/pipe/always subordinate
				; actually do the connection between them
				observer/valve/link observer plug
				vout/tags [attach]

			;-        detach()
			;  ? verify if the pipe server is then orphaned (not serving anyone) and in this case call destroy on it)
			detach: func [
				"Unlink ourself from a pipe, causing it to stop messaging us (propagating). also returns a simple container to a dependency type plug."
				plug [object!]
				/local pipe
				vin/tags ["liquid/"  type  "[" plug/sid "]/detach()"] [detach]
				if object? plug/pipe? [
					if pipe: find plug/pipe?/observers plug [
						remove pipe
				plug/pipe?: none
				vout/tags [detach]
				pipe: plug: none

			;-        fill()
			; If plug is not linked to a pipe, then it 
			; automatically connects itself to a new pipe.
			fill: func [
				"Fills a plug with liquid directly. (stored as mud until it gets cleaned.)"
				plug [object!]
				mud ; data you wish to fill within plug's pipe
				/commit " If the current data source is not yet commited, fill it as a commit.  BE CAREFULL this will unlink from data sources, if it finds a link where it would fill/commit a value."
				/pipe "tells the engine to make sure this is a pipe, only needs to be called once."
				/local newplug fplug changed?
				vin ["liquid/"  type  "(" plug/sid ")/fill()" ]

				; revised default method creates a container type plug, instead of a pipe.
				; usage indicates that piping is not always needed, and creates a processing overhead
				; which is noticeable, in that by default, two nodes are created and filling data needs
				; to pass through the pipe.  in most filling ops, this is not usefull, as all the
				; plug is used for is storing a value.
				; a second reason is that from now on a new switch is being added to the plug,
				; so that plugs can be containers and still be linked.  this can simplify many types
				; of graphs, since graphs are often refinements of prior nodes.  so in that optic,
				; allowing us to use data and then modifying it according to local data makes
				; a lot of sense.
				either any [
					plug/valve/pipe plug
					; get the plug we need to fill... current or new
					plug: plug/valve/pipe/always plug
					; convert this plug into a container
					plug/pipe?: 'simple
				plug/mud: mud
				plug/valve/dirty plug
				vout/return mud

			;-        commit()
			commit: func [
				" Using the data from a subordinate, store its data directly within the subordinate's block.  Using /fill, you can alternatively supply the data directly. "
				plug [object!]
				/label lbl [word!]
				/fill data
				vin/tags ["commit()"] [commit]
				vout/tags [commit]

			;-      messaging methods

			;-        dirty()
			; react to our link being set to dirty.
			; if the special shared-state contains init, no propagation occurs.
			dirty: func [
				plug "plug to set dirty" [object!]
				/always "do not follow stainless? as dirty is being called within a processing operation.  prevent double process, deadlocks"
				vin/tags ["liquid/"  type  "[" plug/sid "]/dirty()" ] [!plug dirty]
				plug/dirty?: true

				; being stainless? forces a cleanup call right after being set dirty...
				; use this sparingly as it increases average processing and will slow
				; down your code by forcing every plug to process all changes,
				; all the time which is not needed unless you nead interactivity.
				; it can be usefull to set a user observed plug so that any
				; changes to the plugs, gets refreshed in an interactive UI..
				;either not find plug/shared-states 'init [
					if plug/stainless? [
						if not always [
							cleanup plug
					if propagate? plug [
						propagate plug
					;prin "."
				; clean up
				plug: none
				vout/tags [!plug dirty]

			;-        instigate()
			; following method does not cause subordinate processing if they are clean :-)
			; very computationaly eFishAnt (tm)Steve Shireman
			instigate: func [
				"Force each subordinate to clean itself, return block of values of all connections or pipe."
				plug [object!]
				/local subordinate blk
				vin/tags ["liquid/"  type  "[" plug/sid "]/instigate()" ] [!plug instigate]
				blk: copy []
				if linked? plug [
					; piped plug
					either object? plug/pipe? [
						; ask pipe server to process itself
						append/only blk (plug/pipe?/valve/cleanup plug/pipe?)
						; linked plug
						; force each input to process itself.
						foreach subordinate plug/subordinates [
							switch/default type?/word subordinate [
								object! [
									append/only blk  subordinate/valve/cleanup subordinate
								word! [
									; here we make the word pretty hard to clash with. Just to make instigation safe.
									; otherwise unobvious word useage clashes might occur, 
									; when actual data returned by links are words
									; use objectify func for easier (slower) access to this block
									append/only blk to-word rejoin [subordinate '=]
								none! [
									append blk none
								to-error rejoin ["liquid sid: [" plug/sid "] subordinates block cannot contain data of type: " type? subordinate]
					; clean up
					subordinate: none
					plug: none
				; clean return
				vout/tags [!plug instigate]
				first reduce [blk blk: none]

			;-        propagate?()
			; should this plug perform propagation?
			; some optmisized nodes can take advantage of linkeage data, streaming, internal
			; states to forego of propagation to observers, which greatly enhanced efficiency
			; of a network.
			propagate?: func [

			;-        propagate()
			; cause observers to become dirty
			propagate: func [
				plug [object!]
				/local tmpplug
				vin/tags ["liquid/"  type  "[" plug/sid "]/propagate()" ] [ !plug propagate]
				; tell our observers that we have changed
				; some plugs will then process (stainless), other will
				; just acknowledge their dirtyness and return.
				; v0.5 change
				; do not dirty the node if it is piped and we are not its pipe.
				; v0.6 change:
				; now supports linked-containers (was a lingering bug) where they would never get dirty
				; v0.7 extension:
				; support frozen?
				unless plug/frozen? [
					foreach tmpplug plug/observers [
						either object? tmpplug/pipe?  [
							either (same? tmpplug/pipe? plug) [
								tmpplug/valve/dirty tmpplug
								vprint/tags ["ignoring piped observer["tmpplug/sid"], we are not observer's pipe"] [ !plug propagate]
							tmpplug/valve/dirty tmpplug
					tmpplug: none
				plug: none
				vout/tags [!plug propagate]

			;-        stream()
			; v0.8.0 new feature.
			; this allows a node to broadcast a message just like propagation, but
			; instead of handling simple dirtyness, an acutal message packet is 
			; sent from node to node depth first, in order of observer links
			; any node down the chain can inspect the message and decide if he wants 
			; to handle it.  in such a case, he will decide if the handling may
			; interest children or not. he may mutate the message, or add a return element
			; to it, and simply return. any node which detects the return element in the
			; message must simply stop propagating the message, cause it has been detected
			; and is a single point reply (only one node should reply).
			; in the case where the stream is meant as an accumulator, the return message 
			; may simply include a new element which starts by 'return- (ex: 'return-size)
			; this will not provoke an arbitrary propagation end.
			; it is good style (and actually suggested) that you use the plug's type name
			; within the message element and accumulator-type return values because 
			; it ensures the element names does not conflict with other plug authors msg.
			; the stream message format is as follows.
			; [ ; overall container
			;     'plugtype [plug/sid 'tag1: value1 'tag2: value2 ... 'tagN: valueN ] ; first message packet
			;     'plugtype [plug/sid 'tag1: value1 'tag2: value2 ... 'tagN: valueN ] ; second  message packet
			;     'plugtype [plug/sid 'tag1: value1 'tag2: value2 ... 'tagN: valueN ] ; third  message packet
			;     ...
			;     'return [return-plug/sid 'tag1: value1 'tag2: value2 ... 'tagN: valueN ]  ; return message (only one)
			; ]
			; using the sid instead of a plug pointer limits the probability of memory sticking 
			; within the GC, uses less ram, and is MUCH more practical cause you can print the message.
			; RETURNS true if streaming should end
			stream: func [
				plug [object!]
				msg [block! ] "Msg is SHARED amongst all observers"
				/init "Contstruct the initial message using msg as the message content"
				/as name "Alternate name for the message packet label (only used with init)"
				/depth dpt "Only go so many observers deep."
				/local end?
				vin/tags ["liquid/"  type  "(" plug/sid ")/stream" ] [!plug filter]
				end?: false
				if init [
					vprint "INITIALIZING message"
					name: any [name plug/valve/type]
					insert head msg plug/sid 
					msg: reduce [name msg]
				; on-stream returns true if we should end streaming.
				either plug/valve/on-stream plug msg [
					end? true
					either plug/frozen? [
						end? true
						dpt: any [dpt - 1 1024]
						if dpt >= 0 [
							; we just reuse the init word, to s0ve from allocating an extra word for nothing
							foreach init plug/observers [
								if init/valve/stream/depth init msg dpt [
									end?: true
									exit ; stop looking for the end, we got it.
				; end streaming?
			;-        on-stream()
			on-stream: func [
				plug [object!]
				msg [block! ]
				vin/tags ["liquid/"  type  "(" plug/sid ")/on-stream()" ] [!plug filter]
				vprobe reduce ["STREAMED: " msg]
				; end streaming?
			;-      computing methods

			;-        filter()
			; this is a very handy function which influences how a plug processes.
			; basically, the filter analyses any expectations about input connection(s).  by looking at the 
			; instigated values block it receives.
			; it will then return a block of values, if expectations are met. Otherwise, 
			; it returns none and computing does not occur afterwards.
			; note that you are allowed to change the content of the block, by adding values, removing,
			; changing them, whatever.  The only requirement is that process must use the filtered values as-is.
			; note that if a plug is piped, this function is never called.
			; in the case of linked-container?s? the function is now called, and so you can fix it as normal.
			; eventually, returning none might force purify to propagate the stale state to all dependent plugs
			filter: func [
				plug [object!] "plug we wish to handle."
				values [block!] "values we wish to filter."
				/local tmpplug
				vin ["liquid/"  type  "(" plug/sid ")/filter()" ]
				if object? plug/pipe? [to-error "FILTER() CANNOT BE CALLED ON A PIPED NODE!"]
				; Do not forget that we must return a block, or we wont process.
				; :  add process cancelation in this case (propagate stale?) .

			;-        process()
			; process the plug's liquid
			process: func [
				plug [object!]
				values [block!] "filtered and ultimately valid data"
				vin/tags ["liquid/"  type  "(" plug/sid ")/process()" ] [!plug process]

				; get our subordinate's liquid
				plug/liquid: values/1

				vout/tags [!plug process]

			;-        purify()
			; purify is a handy way to fix the filled mud, piped data, or recover from a failed process.
			; basically, this is the equivalent to a filter, but AFTER all processing occurs.
			; we can expect plug/liquid to be processed or in an error state, if anything failed.
			; when the plug is a pipe server, then its a chance to stabilise the value before propagating it 
			; to the pipe clients.  This way you can even nullify the fill and reset yourself 
			; to the previous (or any other value).
			; eventually, purify will propagate the stale status to all dependent plugs if it is not
			; able to recover from an error, like an unfiltered node or erronous piped value for this plug.
			; Note that the stale state can be generated within purify if its not happy with the current value
			; of liquid, even if it was called without the /stale refinement.
			; we RETURN if this plug can be considered dirty or not at this point. 
			purify: func [
				plug [object!]
				/stale "Tells the purify method that the current liquid is stale and must be recovered or an error propagated"
				vin/tags ["liquid/"  type  "(" plug/sid ")/purify()" ] [!plug purify]
				if stale [
					;print "plug is stale!:"
					;  propagate stale state !!!
				;print ["purify: "sid " : " (not none? stale) " " plug/liquid]
				; by default we will only stay dirty if stale was specified.
				; this allows us to make filter blocks which do not process until credentials
				; are met and the plug will continue to try to evaluate until its 
				; satisfied.
				vout/return/tags (not none? stale) [!plug purify]

			;-        cleanup()
			; processing manager, instigates our subjects to clean themselves and causes a process
			; ONLY if we are dirty. no point in reprocessing our liquid, if we are already clean.
			cleanup: func [
				plug [object!]
				/local data oops!
				vin/tags ["liquid/"  type  "[" plug/sid "]/cleanup()" ] [!plug cleanup]
				unless any [not plug/dirty? plug/frozen?] [
					; if plug is a pipe server, not much to do except accept fill data.
					either any [
						true? plug/pipe?
						all [
							plug/pipe? = 'simple
							plug/linked-container? = false
						data: plug/liquid:  plug/mud
						oops!: false
						; at this point we know the plug is supposed to observe data (or eventually will).
						; refresh dependencies
						data: instigate plug
						if all [
							plug/pipe? = 'simple
							plug/linked-container? = true
							vprint "WE INSERT MUD SINCE THIS IS A linked-container?"
							data: head insert/only data plug/mud
						either object? plug/pipe? [
							; a piped client simply uses its pipe server's data (which might have been purified at the pipe itelf)
							plug/liquid: data/1
							; only process if filter allows it
							unless oops!: not block? data: plug/valve/filter plug data [
								plug/valve/process plug data
								; simple trick which allows singular plugs to adapt after the standard
								; plug has processed...
								if in plug 'process [

					; allow a node to fix the value within plug/liquid to make sure its always within 
					; specs, no matter how its origin (or lack thereoff)
					;print "^/----->:"
					plug/dirty?: either oops! [
						plug/valve/purify/stale plug
						plug/valve/purify plug

					;print plug/dirty?
				vout/return/tags plug/liquid [!plug cleanup]

			;-        content()
			; method to get plug's processed value, just a more logical semantic value
			; when accessing a liquid from the outside.
			; liquid-using code should always use content, whereas the liquid code itself
			; should always use cleanup.
			; optionally you could redefine the function to make internal/external
			; plug access explicit... maybe for data hidding purposes, for example.
			content: :cleanup
	; we use ourself as the basis for pipe servers by default.
	!plug/valve/pipe-server-class: !plug