Author: "Ashley G Truter"
	File: %mac-requestors.r
	Date: 28-Jun-2009
	Title: "Native Mac OS X requestors"
	Purpose: {
		A set of eight Mac OS X native requestors that approximate and extend the functionality
		of the REBOL request* functions.
	Usage: {
		osascript/alert text [string!]
			"Flashes an alert message to the user. Waits for a user response."
		osascript/say text [string!]
			"Speaks text."
			/using voice [string!]
		osascript/request text [string!]
			"Requests an answer to a simple question."
			/title title-text [string!]
			/buttons labels [block!]
			/default label [string!]
			/stop /note /caution
			"Requests a color value."
			/default color [tuple!]
			"Requests a directory."
		osascript/request-list items [block!]
			"Requests a selection from a list."
			/title title-text [string!]
			/prompt prompt-text [string!]
			/default val [any-type!]
			"Requests a password."
			/title title-text [string!]
			/prompt prompt-text [string!]
			"Requests a text string be entered."
			/title title-text [string!]
			/prompt prompt-text [string!]
			/default string [string!]
	library: [
		level: 'intermediate
		platform: 'mac
		type: [tool module]
		domain: [gui ui user-interface]
		tested-under: [view 2.7.6 MacOSX]
		support: none
		license: 'public-domain
		see-also: none

osascript: make object! [

	;	Single argument calls

	alert: make function! [
		"Flashes an alert message to the user. Waits for a user response."
		text [string!]
	] [
		call/error rejoin [
			{osascript -e 'tell app "System Events" to activate & display alert }
			mold text
		] ""

	say: make function! [
		"Speaks text."
		text [string!]
		/using voice [string!]
	] [
		call rejoin [
			{osascript -e 'say }
			mold text
			either using [rejoin [{ using } mold voice {'}]] [{'}]

	;	Helper functions

	*script: make function! [
		cmd [string!]
		/local v
	] [
		call/output/error rejoin [
			{osascript -e 'tell app "System Events"' -e 'activate' -e '}
			{' -e 'end'}
		] v: copy "" copy ""
		trim/lines v
	*list: make function! [
		block [block!]
		/local v
	] [
		v: copy "{"
		foreach item block [
			insert tail v join mold item ","
		head change back tail v "}"

	;	Tell calls

	request: make function! [
		"Requests an answer to a simple question."
		text [string!]
		/title title-text [string!]
		/buttons labels [block!]
		/default label [string!]
		/stop /note /caution
		/local v
	] [
		v: reform [
			"display dialog" mold text
			"with title" mold any [title-text ""]
		all [buttons insert tail v join " buttons " *list labels]
		all [default insert tail v join " default button " mold label]
		case [
			stop	[insert tail v " with icon stop"]
			note	[insert tail v " with icon note"]
			caution	[insert tail v " with icon caution"]
		either empty? v: *script v [none] [a: copy skip v 16]

	request-color: make function! [
		"Requests a color value."
		/default color [tuple!]
		/local v
	] [
		v: copy "choose color"
		all [
			insert tail v reform [
				" default color"
				*list reduce [256 * first color 256 * second color 256 * third color]
		either empty? v: parse *script v "," [none] [
			to tuple! reduce [
				to integer! (to integer! first v) / 256
				to integer! (to integer! second v) / 256
				to integer! (to integer! third v) / 256

	request-dir: make function! [
		"Requests a directory."
		/local v
	] [
		either empty? v: *script "choose folder" [none] [dirize to file! replace/all find next v ":" ":" "/"]

	request-list: make function! [
		"Requests a selection from a list."
		items [block!]
		/title title-text [string!]
		/prompt prompt-text [string!]
		/default val [any-type!]
		/local v
	] [
		v: reform [
			"choose from list " *list items
			"with title" mold any [title-text ""]
			"with prompt" mold any [prompt-text "Please make your selection:"]
		all [default insert tail v join " default items " *list to block! val]
		either "false" = v: *script v [none] [v]

	request-pass: make function! [
		"Requests a password."
		/title title-text [string!]
		/prompt prompt-text [string!]
		/local v
	] [
		v: reform [
			"display dialog" mold any [prompt-text "Enter password:"]
			{hidden answer true default answer "" with title} mold any [title-text ""]
		either empty? v: *script v [none] [v: copy skip v 14 copy/part v -1 + index? find/last v ","] 

	request-text: make function! [
		"Requests a text string be entered."
		/title title-text [string!]
		/prompt prompt-text [string!]
		/default string [string!]
		/local v
	] [
		v: reform [
			"display dialog" mold any [prompt-text "Enter text below:"]
			"default answer" mold any [string ""]
			"with title" mold any [title-text ""]
		either empty? v: *script v [none] [v: copy skip v 14 copy/part v -1 + index? find/last v ","] 