Title:   "PDF label maker"
    Purpose: "Create labels with PDF-Maker"
    Author:  "Gregg Irwin"
    File:    %pdf-labels.r
    Date:    17-Mar-2004
    Version: 0.0.2
    Library: [
        level: 'advanced
        platform: 'all
        type: [demo how-to]
        domain: [graphics printing text]
        tested-under: [view 1.2.8]
        support: none
        license: 'public-domain
        see-also: %pdf-maker.r
    History: [
        04-Nov-2003 0.0.1 "Initial Release"
        17-Mar-2004 0.0.2 "Made things a little more reusable"
    Comment: {
        Layout is fixed for 3x10 labels on 8.5x11 paper. If someone
        wants to make it more flexible, that would be great.
        More flexible data support would be terrific as well.

pdf-labels: context [
    if not value? 'layout-pdf [do %pdf-maker.r]

    rows-per-page: 10
    cols-per-page: 3
    labels-per-page: 30

    x-coordinate: [6.223 76.073 145.923]
    y-coordinate: [241.3 215.9 190.5 165.1 139.7 114.3 88.9 63.5 38.1 12.7]

    ; Assuming a block containing these fields:
    ;   first last street city state zip
    ; form it into a string, with newlines after the name and street address
    format-label-text: func [
        data "A block containing a single record"
        /local result
        form head insert next insert at copy data 3 newline newline

    make-page: func [
        "Make one page of labels"
        data "One page worth of data (max)"
        /local result cell
        result: copy [page size 215.9  279.4]
        repeat row rows-per-page [
            repeat col cols-per-page [
                either (cell: row - 1 * cols-per-page + col) <= length? data [
                    append result dbg: compose/deep [
                        ;textbox x y w h text
                            (x-coordinate/:col) (y-coordinate/:row)
                            63.246 21.4 [
                            as-is font Times-Roman 3.53
                            (format-label-text pick data cell)
                    return result

    make-pages: func [
        "Make pages of labels for all data"
        data    "All data"
        /local page-count result
        result: copy []
        page-count: to integer! divide length? data labels-per-page
        if 0 <> remainder length? data labels-per-page [
            page-count: page-count + 1
        repeat page page-count [
            append/only result make-page copy/part
                at data 1 + (page - 1 * labels-per-page)

    set 'make-pdf-labels func [data /write-to file /local pdf dbg-lay] [
        pdf: layout-pdf lay: make-pages data
        if file [write/binary file pdf]
        ; for testing
        ;save %labels.lay dbg-lay

;-- Test Code

test: on

if test [
    ; The address data is in the following format - typically the block will
    ; contain a couple of hundred addresses:
    addresses: copy []
    repeat i 60 [
        append addresses compose/deep [
            [(join "JOE-" i) "BLOW" "1234 MELISSA DRIVE" "BURLINGTON" "VT" "00822-2957"]
            [(join "JILL-" i) "BLOW" "5678 CAMAY CIRCLE" "PUTNAM" "MA" "00123-5678"]

    write/binary %labels.pdf make-pdf-labels addresses

    browse %labels.pdf