date: 28-Feb-10
    file: %pos.r
    author:  Nick Antonaccio
    purpose: {
        This is a point of sale system (sales checkout, receipt printer, and data
        storage system) written using RebGUI.  It may help provide some basic
        insight into the workings of RebGUI.  Actually, the majority of this code
        manages user workflow - saving/retrieving receipts.  The RebGUI parts are
        simple and short.

        Note that the username and password info in the posp.db file should be
        created and read using a separate method, and encrypted.  The example
        posp.db file is created here as a demonstration.  Note also that the first
        field in the layout is designed to accept input from a keyboard wedge bar
        code scanner, with data in the format: item (space) booth (space) price
        (inserted [ENTER] key character).  Using this format, and the "focus" code
        which is executed after each scan entry, the user can continually scan
        multiple items into each ticket, without using the keyboard.  Manual
        keyboard-only entry is also supported.

        Taken from the tutorial at http:/

write %posp.db {["username" "password"] ["username2" "password2"]} ; etc.
make-dir %./receipts/
write/append %./receipts/deleted.txt ""  ; create file if not exists

unless exists? %scheme_has_changed [
    write %ui.dat decompress #{


do login: [
    userpass: request-password
    if (length? userpass) < 2 [quit]
    posp-database: to-block read %posp.db
    logged-in: false
    foreach user posp-database [
        if (userpass/1 = user/1) and (userpass/2 = user/2) [
            logged-in: true
    either logged-in = true [] [
        alert "Incorrect Username/Password"
        do login
calculate-totals: does [
    tax: .06
    subtotal: 0
    foreach [item booth price] pos-table/data [
        subtotal: subtotal + to decimal! price
    set-text subtotal-f subtotal
    set-text tax-f (round/to (subtotal * tax) .01)
    set-text total-f (round/to (subtotal + (subtotal * tax)) .01)
    set-focus barcode
add-new-item: does [
    if ("" = copy f1/text) or ("" = copy f2/text) or (error? try [
        to-decimal copy f3/text
    ]) [
        alert trim/lines {You must enter a proper Item Description,
            Booth Number, and Price.}
    pos-table/add-row/position reduce [
        copy f1/text copy f2/text copy f3/text
    ] 1
print-receipt: does [
    if empty? pos-table/data [
        alert "There's nothing to print." return
    html: copy rejoin [

Business Name

123 Road St.
City, State 98765

} ] foreach [item booth price] pos-table/data [ append html rejoin [ {} ] ] append html rejoin [ {} ] append html rejoin [ {} ] append html rejoin [ {} ] append html rejoin [ {
Item Booth Price
} item {} booth {} price {
SUBTOTAL: } copy subtotal-f/text {
TAX: } copy tax-f/text {
TOTAL: } copy total-f/text {

Date: } now/date {, Time: } now/time {, Salesperson: } userpass/1 {
} ] write/append to-file saved-receipt: rejoin [ %./receipts/ now/date "_" replace/all copy form now/time ":" "-" "+" userpass/1 ".html" ] html browse saved-receipt ] save-receipt: does [ if empty? pos-table/data [ alert "There's nothing to save." return ] if allow-save = false [ unless true = resaving: question trim/lines { This receipt has already been saved. Save again? } [ if true = question "Print another copy of the receipt?" [ print-receipt ] return ] ] if resaving = true [ resave-file-to-delete: copy "" display/dialog "Delete" compose [ text 150 (trim/lines { IMPORTANT - DO NOT MAKE A MISTAKE HERE! Since you've made changes to an existing receipt, you MUST DELETE the original receipt. The original receipt will be REPLACED by the new receipt (The original data will be saved in an audit history file, but will not appear in any future seaches or totals.) Please CAREFULLY choose the original receipt to DELETE: }) return tl1: text-list 150 data [ "I'm making changes to a NEW receipt that I JUST SAVED" "I'm making changes to an OLD receipt that I've RELOADED" ] [ resave-file-to-delete: tl1/selected hide-popup ] return button -1 "Cancel" [ resave-file-to-delete: copy "" hide-popup ] ] if resave-file-to-delete = "" [ resaving: false return ] if resave-file-to-delete = trim/lines { I'm making changes to a NEW receipt that I JUST SAVED } [ the-file-to-delete: saved-file ] if resave-file-to-delete = trim/lines { I'm making changes to an OLD receipt that I've RELOADED } [ the-file-to-delete: loaded-receipt ] if not question to-string the-file-to-delete [return] write %./receipts/deleted--backup.txt read %./receipts/deleted.txt write/append %./receipts/deleted.txt rejoin [ newline newline newline to-string the-file-to-delete newline newline read the-file-to-delete ] delete the-file-to-delete alert "Original receipt has been deleted, and new receipt saved." resaving: false ] if true = question "Print receipt?" [print-receipt] saved-data: mold copy pos-table/data write/append to-file saved-file: copy rejoin [ %./receipts/ now/date "_" replace/all copy form now/time ":" "-" "+" userpass/1 ".txt" ] saved-data splash compose [ size: 300x100 color: sky text: (rejoin [{^/ *** SAVED ***^/^/ } saved-file {^/}]) font: ctx-rebgui/widgets/default-font ] wait 1 unview allow-save: false if true = question "Clear and begin new receipt?" [clear-new] ] load-receipt: does [ if error? try [ loaded-receipt: to-file request-file/file/filter %./receipts/ ".txt" "*.txt" ] [ alert "Error selecting file" return ] if find form loaded-receipt "deleted" [ alert "Improper file selection" return ] if error? try [loaded-receipt-data: load loaded-receipt] [ alert "Error loading data" return ] insert clear pos-table/data loaded-receipt-data pos-table/redraw calculate-totals allow-save: false ] search-receipts: does [ search-word: copy request-value/title "Search word:" "Search" ; if search-word = none [return] found-files: copy [] foreach file read %./receipts/ [ if find (read join %./receipts/ file) search-word [ if (%.txt = suffix? file) and (file <> %deleted.txt) [ append found-files file ] ] ] if empty? found-files [alert "None found" return] found-file: request-list "Pick a file to open" found-files if found-file = none [return] insert clear pos-table/data ( load loaded-receipt: copy to-file join %./receipts/ found-file ) pos-table/redraw calculate-totals allow-save: false ] clear-new: does [ if allow-save = true [ unless (true = question "Erase without saving?") [return] ] foreach item [barcode f1 f2 f3 subtotal-f tax-f total-f] [ do rejoin [{clear } item {/text show } item] ] clear head pos-table/data pos-table/redraw allow-save: true ] change-appearance: does [ request-ui if true = question "Restart now with new scheme?" [ if allow-save = true [ if false = question "Quit without saving?" [return] ] write %scheme_has_changed "" launch %pos.r ; EDIT quit ] ] title-text: "Point of Sale System" if system/version/4 = 3 [ user32.dll: load/library %user32.dll get-tb-focus: make routine! [return: [int]] user32.dll "GetFocus" set-caption: make routine! [ hwnd [int] a [string!] return: [int] ] user32.dll "SetWindowTextA" show-old: :show show: func [face] [ show-old [face] hwnd: get-tb-focus set-caption hwnd title-text ] ] allow-save: true resaving: false saved-file: "" loaded-receipt: "" screen-size: system/view/screen-face/size cell-width: to-integer (screen-size/1) / (ctx-rebgui/sizes/cell) cell-height: to-integer (screen-size/2) / (ctx-rebgui/sizes/cell) table-size: as-pair cell-width (to-integer cell-height / 2.5) current-margin: ctx-rebgui/sizes/margin top-left: as-pair negate current-margin negate current-margin display/maximize/close "POS" [ at top-left #L main-menu: menu data [ "File" [ " Print " [print-receipt] " Save " [save-receipt] " Load " [load-receipt] " Search " [search-receipts] ] "Options" [ " Appearance " [change-appearance] ] "About" [ " Info " [ alert trim/lines { Point of Sale System. Copyright © 2010 Nick Antonaccio. All rights reserved. } ] ] ] return barcode: field #LW tip "Bar Code" [ parts: parse/all copy barcode/text " " set-text f1 parts/1 set-text f2 parts/2 set-text f3 parts/3 clear barcode/text add-new-item ] return f1: field tip "Item" f2: field tip "Booth" f3: field tip "Price (do NOT include '$' sign)" [ add-new-item set-focus add-button ] add-button: button -1 "Add Item" [ add-new-item set-focus add-button ] button -1 #OX "Delete Selected Item" [ remove/part find pos-table/data pos-table/selected 3 pos-table/redraw calculate-totals ] return pos-table: table (table-size) #LWH options [ "Description" center .6 "Booth" center .2 "Price" center .2 ] data [] reverse panel sky #XY data [ after 2 text 20 "Subtotal:" subtotal-f: field text 20 " Tax:" tax-f: field text 20 " TOTAL:" total-f: field ] reverse button -1 #XY "Lock" [do login] button -1 #XY "New" [clear-new] button -1 #XY "SAVE and PRINT" [save-receipt] do [set-focus barcode] ] [question "Really Close?"] do-events