Title: "UPnP - IGD V1.0"
    Date: 10-Sep-2006
    Name: "UPnP - Internet_Gateway_Device_IGD_V1.0"
    Author:  ["Marco"]
    Version: 0.1
    File: %upnp-igd.r
    Rights: "Public Domain"
    Email:   []
    Category: [http internet]
    Library: [
        level: 'beginner
        platform: 'all
        type: [function tool module protocol]
        domain: [game extension http protocol other-net html markup parse protocol tcp xml ]
        tested-under: [win]
        license: PD
        see-also: none
    Comment: {
    	This is script is a pilot to controle a Internet Gateway Device thru UPnP
    Purpose: {
        UPnP-IGD tool to discover and control an Internet Gateway Device via UPnP
    Modified: [
        [0.0.1 10-Sep-2006 {Fist publication of a pilote}]
    Defaults: {
    Usage: {
    	... To be documented ... (sorry)

; ***********************************************************
; XML Utility
; ***********************************************************

load-xml: func [
    {Loads an XML file and return a nested block/object structure with tag (t) attribute (a) and element (e)
    For example, this XML :
            "text tag 1"
                "text tag 2"
    is returned like this :
        [tag1 [
            [ ; block of attribute name & value
                xmlns "ns"
            "text tag 1"
            tag2 [
                "text tag 2"
    source [file! url! string! any-block! binary!]
    /local item result stack att
    result: copy []
    stack: reduce [result]
    parse load/markup source [ any [
        set item tag! (
            case [
                #"/" = first item [
                    remove/part stack 1
                find "/?" last item [
                    remove back tail item
                    att: next item: to-block item
                    if #"?" = first item/1: to-string item/1 [append item/1 #"?"]
                    forskip att 2 [
                        att/1: to-word head remove back tail to-string att/1
                    append stack/1 compose/deep/only [
                        (to-word last parse item/1 ":") [
                        (to-tag item/1)
                        (new-line/all/skip copy next item true 2)
                true [
                    att: next item: to-block item
                    if #"?" = first item/1: to-string item/1 [append item/1 #"?"]
                    forskip att 2 [
                        att/1: to-word head remove back tail to-string att/1
                    item: head item
                    append stack/1 compose/deep/only [
                        (to-word last parse item/1 ":") [
                        (to-tag item/1)
                        (new-line/all/skip copy next item true 2)
                    new-line skip tail stack/1 -2 true
                    insert/only stack last stack/1
        set item string! (
            unless #"^/" = first item [
                append stack/1 item
                new-line back tail stack/1 true

save-xml: func [
    "Saves an XML nested block structure (see load-xml)"
    where [file! url! binary!] "Where to save it."
    value [block!] "XML block/object to save."
    /indent tabs
    /local result tag attribute element
    result: either binary? where [where][make binary! ""]
    unless tabs [tabs: copy ""]
    parse value rule: [
        opt block! ; ignore first block! of attribute if any
        any [
            word! into [
                set tag tag!
                set attribute block!
                element: (
                    repend result [tabs mold build-tag [(to-word to-string tag) (attribute)] newline]
                    save-xml/indent result element rejoin [tabs tab]
                    repend result [tabs form to-tag mold to-refinement to-string tag newline]
                ) to end
            set element any-type! (
                repend result [tabs element newline]
    unless binary? where [
        save where result

; **************************************************
; UPnP Utility
; **************************************************

upnp-search: func [
    {Search for an UPnP device
        return the root device definition or throw an error}
    /all "Search all device"
         ST [string!] {Search Target must be one of the following single URI (default ssdp:all):
                Search for all devices and services. 
                Search for root devices only. 
                Search for a particular device. Device UUID specified by UPnP vendor. 
                Search for any device of this type. Device type and version defined by UPnP Forum working committee. 
                Search for any service of this type. Service type and version defined by UPnP Forum working committee.  
        MX [integer!] {Maximum wait in second (default 3).
            Device responses should be delayed a random duration between 0 and this many seconds to balance load for the control point when it processes responses.
            This vue should be increased if a large number of devices are expected to respond or if network latencies are expected to be significant.
            Specified by UPnP vendor.
    /local port rule result RC device

    unless ST [ST: "ssdp:all"]
    unless MX [MX: 3]
    port: open/binary udp://
    set-modes port compose/deep [
        multicast-ttl: 4
    insert port rejoin [
        {M-SEARCH * HTTP/1.1} crlf
        {HOST:} crlf
        {MAN: "ssdp:discover"} crlf
        {MX: } MX crlf
        {ST: } ST crlf
    device: copy []
    while [wait [port MX]][
        parse replace/all  copy port crlf newline [
            {HTTP/1.1 } copy RC to newline newline
            result: to end (result: parse-header none result)
        unless "200 OK" = RC [
            close port
            to-error reform ["UPnP error (search) :" RC]
        result: load-xml to-url result/LOCATION
        append device compose/only [root (result/root)]
        unless all [break]
    close port

upnp-invoke: func [
    url [url! string!]
    soap-action [string!]
    body [string!]
    /local port result RC
    url: decode-url url
    port: open/binary rejoin [tcp:// url/host ":" url/port-id]
    insert port probe rejoin [
        {POST /} url/path url/target { HTTP/1.1} crlf
        {HOST: } url/host ":" url/port-id crlf
        {CONTENT-LENGTH: } length? body crlf
        {CONTENT-TYPE: text/xml; charset="utf-8"} crlf
        {SOAPACTION: "} soap-action {"} crlf
    either port = wait [port 5][
        parse replace/all copy port crlf newline [
            {HTTP/1.1 } copy RC to newline newline
            result: to end
        close port
        close port
        to-error reform ["SOAP error (invoke) : No response"]
    result: load-xml result
    unless "200 OK" = RC [
        to-error reform [
            "UPnP error (invoke):"
            "(" soap-action ")"

upnp-action: func [
    url [url! string!]
    service [block!]
    actionName [string!]
    argument [block!]
    /local port rule result RC body
    body: copy ""
    foreach [name value] argument [
        repend body [
            tab tab tab {<} name {>} value {} crlf
    body: rejoin [
        {} crlf
        tab {} crlf
        tab tab {} crlf
        tab tab {} crlf
        tab {} crlf
        {} crlf
    result: upnp-invoke rejoin [url service/controlURL/3] rejoin [service/serviceType/3 "#" actionName] body
    argument: copy []
    foreach [item1 item2] at result/envelope/body/(to-word rejoin [actionName 'Response]) 3 [
        repend argument [to-word to-string item2/1 item2/3]
    new-line/all/skip argument true 2

upnp-query: func [
    url [url! string!]
    service [block!]
    varName [string! word!]
    /local port rule result RC body
    print body: rejoin [
        {} crlf
        tab {} crlf
        tab tab {} crlf
        tab tab tab {} varName {} crlf
        tab tab {} crlf
        tab {} crlf
        {} crlf
    result: upnp-invoke rejoin [url service/controlURL/3] "urn:schemas-upnp-org:control-1-0#QueryStateVariable" body

; *********************************************************
; IGD Utility
; *********************************************************

igd-GetExternalIPAdress: func [
    {Retrieve the value of the external IP address on this connection instance.}
    url [url! string!] "URL Base"
    service [block!] "UPnP Service"
    to-tuple second upnp-action url service "GetExternalIPAddress" []

igd-GetGenericPortMappingEntry: func [
    Retrieve NAT port mappings one entry at a time.
    Control points can call this action with an incrementing array index until no more entries are found on the gateway.
    url [url! string!] "URL Base"
    service [block!] "UPnP Service"
    index [integer!]
    /all {Return all port mapping starting at index}
    /local result item
    either all [
        result: copy []
        while [attempt [
            item: upnp-action url service "GetGenericPortMappingEntry" compose [
                NewPortMappingIndex (index)
            append result compose/only [(item)]
            index: index + 1
        upnp-action url service "GetGenericPortMappingEntry" compose [
            NewPortMappingIndex (index)

igd-GetSpecificPortMappingEntry: func [
    {Reports the Static Port Mapping specified by the unique tuple of RemoteHost, ExternalPort and PortMappingProtocol.}
    url [url! string!] "URL Base"
    service [block!] "UPnP Service"
    remote-host [tuple! none!]
    external-port [integer!]
    protocol [word! string!]
    upnp-action url service "GetSpecificPortMappingEntry" compose [
        NewRemoteHost (either remote-host [remote-host][""])
        NewExternalPort (external-port)
        NewProtocol (protocol)

igd-AddPortMapping: func [
    {Creates a new port mapping or overwrites an existing mapping with the same internal client}
    url [url! string!] "URL Base"
    service [block!] "UPnP Service"
    remote-host [tuple! none!]
    external-port [integer!]
    protocol [word! string!]
    internal-port [integer!]
    internal-client [tuple!]
    enabled [integer!]
    description [string!]
    lease-duration [integer!]
    attempt [upnp-action url service "AddPortMapping" compose [
        NewRemoteHost (either remote-host [remote-host][""])
        NewExternalPort (external-port)
        NewProtocol (protocol)
        NewInternalPort (internal-port)
        NewInternalClient (internal-client)
        NewEnabled (enabled)
        NewPortMappingDescription (description)
        NewLeaseDuration (lease-duration)

igd-DeletePortMapping: func [
    Delete a previously instantiated port mapping.
    As each entry is deleted, the array is compacted, and the evented variable PortMappingNumberOfEntries is decremented.
    url [url! string!] "URL Base"
    service [block!] "UPnP Service"
    remote-host [tuple! none!]
    external-port [integer!]
    protocol [word! string!]
    upnp-action url service "DeletePortMapping" compose [
        NewRemoteHost (either remote-host [remote-host][""])
        NewExternalPort (external-port)
        NewProtocol (protocol)

; ***********************************************
; Testing script
; ***********************************************

print [newline "Starting test ..." newline]

r: ask "Searching for all root device (Y/N) ..."
if "Y" = r [either empty? root-device: upnp-search/all/type "upnp:rootdevice" [
    ask "No root device"
    save-xml as-binary z: "" root-device print z

r: ask "Searching for first WANIPConnection service (Y/N) ..."
if "Y" = r [either root: select upnp-search/type "urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:WANIPConnection:1" 'root [
    service: root/device/devicelist/device/deviceList/device/serviceList/service
    print [
        "Found :" newline
        tab "url Base           :" root/urlBase/3 newline
        tab "friendly Name      :" root/device/friendlyName/3 newline
        tab "device Type        :" root/device/deviceType/3 newline
        tab "external IP Adress :" igd-GetExternalIPAdress root/urlBase/3 service newline
    r: ask "Searching for port mapping (Y/N) ..."
    if "Y" = r [
        print mold/only igd-GetGenericPortMappingEntry/all root/urlBase/3 service 0
    r: ask "Add & check new mapping port (Y/N) ..."
    if "Y" = r [
        igd-AddPortMapping root/urlBase/3 service none 88 'tcp 88 probe system/network/host-address 1 "test" 0
        print mold igd-GetSpecificPortMappingEntry root/urlBase/3 service none 88 'tcp
    print "No device"
ask "Done (press Enter) ... "