Title: "Result-set to html table"
    Purpose: {Given an SQL result set, which comes in the form of
    a block of blocks, generate an html table that can be inserted
    into a larger html page.}

;; [---------------------------------------------------------------------------]
;; [ This is a specialized help function for the specific job of reporting     ]
;; [ the results of an SQL query.  The result-set of an SQL query comes in     ]
;; [ the form of a block of blocks, where each sub-block is a row of the       ]
;; [ result-set.  This function makes an html table, from the  tag      ]
;; [ through the 
tag, with each row being one row of the result-set. ] ;; [ The planned use of this function would be to generate chunks of html ] ;; [ that would be assembled into a larger page. ] ;; [ The function includes a refinement to cause the first row to be emitted ] ;; [ as a table header. ] ;; [---------------------------------------------------------------------------] HTML-TABLE-OF-RESULT-SET: func [ ROWBLOCK /HEADER /local HTMLTABLE FIRSTROW ] [ HTMLTABLE: copy "" FIRSTROW: false if HEADER [ FIRSTROW: true ] append HTMLTABLE rejoin [ {} newline ] foreach ROW ROWBLOCK [ append HTMLTABLE rejoin ["" newline] foreach COL ROW [ either FIRSTROW [ append HTMLTABLE rejoin [ "" newline ] ] [ append HTMLTABLE rejoin [ "" newline ] ] ] FIRSTROW: false append HTMLTABLE rejoin ["" newline] ] append HTMLTABLE rejoin [ {
" COL "" COL "
} newline ] return HTMLTABLE ] ;;Uncomment to test ;TBL1: HTML-TABLE-OF-RESULT-SET [ ; ["AAAA1" "BBBB1" "CCCC1"] ; ["AAAA2" "BBBB2" "CCCC2"] ; ["AAAA3" "BBBB3" "CCCC3"] ; ["AAAA4" "BBBB4" "CCCC4"] ; ["AAAA5" "BBBB5" "CCCC5"] ;] ;probe TBL1 ;TBL2: HTML-TABLE-OF-RESULT-SET/HEADER [ ; ["COL1" "COL2" "COL3" ] ; ["AAAA1" "BBBB1" "CCCC1"] ; ["AAAA2" "BBBB2" "CCCC2"] ; ["AAAA3" "BBBB3" "CCCC3"] ; ["AAAA4" "BBBB4" "CCCC4"] ; ["AAAA5" "BBBB5" "CCCC5"] ;] ;probe TBL2 ;halt