Title: "Script compressor"
    Purpose: {Ask for the name of a script, read it, compress it,
    mold it into a displayable format, and put it on the clipboard.
    This is a coding aid.}

;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------]
;; [ This is a very simple operation, but it has been packaged in to a         ]
;; [ script so that it can be invoked by running this script, which will       ]
;; [ be faster than starting REBOL, going to an appropriate directory,         ]
;; [ typing the command, and so on.  Little scripts like this can be put       ]
;; [ behind buttons on a launcher window and used as coding aids when          ]
;; [ when writing programs.                                                    ]
;; [                                                                           ]
;; [ For example, if you want to put a compressed script into a program,       ]
;; [ you could code...                                                         ]
;; [                                                                           ]
;; [     COMPRESSED-SCRIPT: _                                                  ]
;; [                                                                           ]
;; [ ...and then run this program to load the clipboard with a displayable     ]
;; [ (molded) compressed script, and then just press Ctrl+V in the editor.     ]
;; [---------------------------------------------------------------------------]

if not FILE-ID: request-file/only [
    alert "No file requested."

system/options/binary-base: 64
write clipboard:// mold compress read FILE-ID

alert "Clipboard loaded."