RECIPE-NAME: "Pancakes, template, gluten-free" RECIPE-SOURCE: "Unknown" RECIPE-INGREDIENTS: [ ["gluten-free flour" "1 cup"] ["ground flax seeds" "1 Tablespoon"] ["baking powder" "2 teaspoons"] ["salt" "1/4 teaspoon"] ["imported Moroccan cinnamon" "2 teaspoons"] ["maple syrup" "2 Tablespoons"] ["vanilla" "1 teaspoon"] ["applesauce" "1/4 cup"] ["milk (dairy plant)" "1 cup"] ] RECIPE-PROCEDURE: { Mix together flour, flax seeds, baking powder, cinnamon, salt. Mix together liquid ingredients. Add liquid ingredients to dry a little at a time to get a batter of desired thickness. Add more milk if necessary. } RECIPE-NOTES: { About 2 tablespoons of batter makes a three-inch pancake, and this recipe makes about 17 pancakes. }